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Happiness comes not from material wealth but less desire.

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Presentation on theme: "Happiness comes not from material wealth but less desire."— Presentation transcript:

1 Happiness comes not from material wealth but less desire.

2 Applied Statistics Using SAS
Topic: Factor Analysis By Prof Kelly Fan, Cal State Univ, East Bay

3 Outline Introduction Principal component analysis Rotations

4 Introduction Reduce data
Summarize many ordinal categorical factors by a few combinations of them (new factors)

5 Example. 6 Questions Goal: a measure of depression and a measure of paranoia (how pleasant) 6 questions with response using number 1 to 7. The smaller the number is, the stronger the subject agrees. 4: no opinion

6 Example. 6 Questions I usually feel blue. People often stare at me.
I think that people are following me. I am usually happy. Someone is trying to hurt me. I enjoy going to parties. Q. Which questions will a depressed person likely agree with? A happy person?

7 Data Set: Subj 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q u e s t i o n

8 Data Set: Subj 10 11 12 13 14 15 Q u e s t i o n 1 6 3 5 2 7 4

9 Principal Component Analysis
Eigenvalues of the Correlation Matrix: Total = 6 Average = 1 Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative 1 0.6114 2 0.2067 0.8180 3 0.0886 0.9066 4 0.0573 0.9639 5 0.0258 0.9897 6 0.0103 1.0000 The bigger the eigenvalue is, the more information this factor (component) carries.

10 A Visual Tool: Scree Plot
Variance Explained by Each Factor Factor1 Factor2

11 Two Summary Factors Factor Pattern Factor1 Factor2 QUES1 Feel Blue
QUES2 People Stare at Me QUES3 People Follow Me QUES4 Basically Happy QUES5 People Want to Hurt Me QUES6 Enjoy Going to Parties

12 Final Communality Estimates: Total = 4.908255
Communalities Communalities represent how much variance in the original variables is explained by all of the factors kept in the analysis (here the two factors) Final Communality Estimates: Total = QUES1 QUES2 QUES3 QUES4 QUES5 QUES6

13 Discussion Q4 & Q6 should be at the same direction of factor 1 & 2 (component 1 & 2) The other questions should be at the same direction of factor 1 & 2 (component 1 & 2) Need a rotation!!

14 Rotation: Varimax Rotation
Orthogonal Transformation Matrix 1 2 Rotated Factor Pattern Factor1 Factor2 QUES1 Feel Blue QUES2 People Stare at Me QUES3 People Follow Me QUES4 Basically Happy QUES5 People Want to Hurt Me QUES6 Enjoy Going to Parties

15 Component Plot after Rotation
Plot of Factor Pattern for Factor1 and Factor2 Factor1 1 D F .8 .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 -.1 B -.2 C -.3 E -.4 -.5 -.6 -.7 -.8 -.9 A -1 QUES1=A QUES2=B QUES3=C QUES4=D QUES5=E QUES6=F Component Plot after Rotation Variance Explained by Each Factor Factor1 Factor2

16 Using Communalities Other Than One
When the original factors are not equally important Different methods of “extraction”

NFACTORS=2 OUT=FACT SCREE; TITLE "Example of Factor Analysis"; VAR QUES1-QUES6; RUN;

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