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Messiah’ PowerPoint presentation

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1 Messiah’ PowerPoint presentation
Volume: 6 Module: Authentic Jesus Session: The uncomfortable life and message of Jesus ‘The uncomfortable Messiah’ PowerPoint presentation

2 Imagine what it will be like when Prince William has a child
Imagine what it will be like when Prince William has a child. How do you think his child will be treated?

3 It wasn’t quite like that for Jesus.
Luke 2:7

4 The babies of famous people get star treatment...

5 It wasn’t quite like that for Jesus.
Matthew 2:16

6 Celebrities today eat very well...

7 After his baptism, Jesus fasted for 40 days.
Luke 4:1,2

8 Is it possible to be an ugly celebrity?

9 The Bible suggests there wasn’t anything special about the way Jesus looked.
Isaiah 53:2

10 Celebrities have amazing homes…

11 Jesus relied on others for hospitality because he had no home of his own.
Isaiah 53:2

12 Today it’s very hard to get near famous people…

13 …and celebrity parties are very exclusive…

14 Jesus spent time with sinners and the poor everyone else rejected.
Mark 2:15–17

15 Celebrities are welcomed…

16 Jesus was rejected by his home town.

17 Jesus’ life wasn’t a comfortable one...
...his death was even more uncomfortable. Matthew27:26–50

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