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AFM Midrand Impact Bridging the Generation Gap Introduction

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1 AFM Midrand Impact Bridging the Generation Gap Introduction
Sunday 28 January 2018 Dennis Erasmus

2 Ephesians 4:16b “So when each separate part works as it should, the whole body grows and builds itself up through love.”

3 Vision Growing Young Themes for this quarter of the year: Bridging the generation gap Introduction Matric before babies Child Rearing Child’s developmental stages Allowing children to develop their full potential Peer Pressure Respect in bridging the generation gap Build your own support system

4 Introduction: Petrol and a brake – Fast forward movement and holding back

5 Video

6 “Bridging the Generation Gap
Encouraging children to connect with elders It’s not always easy to get people of different age groups to see eye to eye, and that’s especially true of children and the elderly.” (

7 What could a seven-year-old possibly have in common with a 75-year-old?


9 “You might be pleasantly surprised.
When it comes to interaction between elders and children, however, many adult caregivers of aging parents are quick to warn children away from Grandma or Grandpa for fear that the child will disturb or upset the older individual.” ( children-to-connect-with-elders/)

10 “In many situations, the elderly crave the attention and interest of young children, and would love to sit and talk with older children and teens as well.” ( gap-encouraging-children-to-connect-with-elders/)

11 Intergenerational relations


13 “Communication is a two-way street.
Visiting a grandparent, many children feel that older people don’t like them. What do they base this belief on? The most common response is that the older person doesn’t respond to the children’s comments.” ( children-to-connect-with-elders/)

14 “Many older people feel that children don’t like them because they’re slow or believe they don’t have anything worthwhile to talk about. In either of these cases, we should encourage communication between younger and older generations.” ( children-to-connect-with-elders/)

15 What contribute to communication difficulties between the elders and youth?




19 “What contribute to communication difficulties between the elders and youth?
Wide gaps in age, beliefs, traditions and habits” (

20 “The benefits of encouraging relationships between youngsters and the senior community include:
Opportunities to learn new skills and methods of doing things Encouraging children to accept people of all ages, capabilities and limitations Providing both child and adult with direction and purpose Alleviating isolationism for elders”  ( care/bridging-the-generation-gap-encouraging-children-to-connect-with-elders/)


22 “Encouraging children to take an interest in Grandma or Grandpa is a matter of including them in the daily aspects of an elderly person’s care. Children who are taught to respect their elders are much more inclined to help take care of them. Those who have developed close emotional bonds to grandparents or great-grandparents are more understanding and patient with people who have disabilities.” ( care/bridging-the-generation-gap-encouraging-children-to-connect-with-elders/)

23 “Such children know that they have to speak a little louder and a little slower around Grandma and Grandpa.” ( generation-gap-encouraging-children-to-connect-with-elders/)

24 “Leading by example Plan activities that include both younger children and the older adult” ( care/bridging-the-generation-gap-encouraging-children-to-connect-with-elders/)

25 “Engage in storytelling — every day, one person tells a story: Grandma, Grandpa, Mom, Dad, or the child Have Grandma or Grandpa teach children new skills Allow children to read to elders, and vice versa Encourage children and elders to share or take an interest in each other’s hobbies or interests” ( to-connect-with-elders/)

26 “Don’t expect everything to go smoothly every day.
Children are often afraid of senior citizens. It takes a little time for seniors to adapt to vibrant and active children, so allow them time to adjust as well.” ( generation-gap-encouraging-children-to-connect-with-elders/)

27 “Crossing bridges—one at a time
Developing any kind of relationship takes time and effort. With time, relationships will develop, grow, and nurture both young and old alike.” ( Growing Young through the process Ephesians 4:16b “So when each separate part works as it should, the whole body grows and builds itself up through love.”

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