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Presentation on theme: "EDUCATION IN DENMARK."— Presentation transcript:


2 Who are we? THOMAS EMILIE
My name is Thomas and my name is Emilie and we are both 18. We come from Denmark and we are students on Holstebro Business School. Thomas: I’ve been a student on this school in 2 years and have one year left. I’ve chosen the Innovation line which focus on being innovative and creative. I like business and that the reason for my choice. When I finish HHX I want to take a year of and work and play golf. Emilie: : I’ve been a student on this school in 3 years and had to retake the second year. On my third year I chose another line - at first I had the International line but then I changed to the Marketing line. They are not that different and it is only because of an A class I wanted to reverse. Busines s economics instead of international economics. Plans for the future: When I finish school I want to live in Italy for a year with the purpose of learning how to speak Italian. Otherwise I do not quite know what I want, except traveling around the world.

3 General facts about the Danish schooling
In Denmark we pay tax, so everyone can go to school for free SU Every Friday – tradition Government Education Expenditure was $201,400,000,000.00 in 2010 41 % of school students find school boring in Denmark 19 % of school students dislike school, which is in rank 17 among other contries In Denmark we have a welfare state, so we pay for education through high taxes. When you turn 18 years old and study the state gives study grants. The amount depends on your families’ income and social well being. If you do not live with your family, you get a higher study grant. When you turn 21 years old, the study grant does not depend on your families´ income, but we all get the same. The smallest amount you can get is 166 EURO and the biggest amount is roughly 773 EURO Every Friday we have a tradition on our school where we get something called “tarteletter” for lunch, which is chicken and aspargus with shells.

4 What do we learn? We do a lot of calculating and for marketing we use a lot of models to analyze different subjects involving how to satisfy the customers in the best way. All of our focus is on business – we do business letters in english and deutsch classes and sometimes we have lectures involving business also.

5 LAPTOPS !! We use our laptops everyday Lectio Tests
It is not possible to participate in the classes without a laptop. We use them for writing notes and calculating. We share a lot of school work on the internet and we have a webside calles lectio were we can see our scedule, when classes are deleted, our homework and we can also use it so send messages to all the students on the school  for example questionary that we can answer to on the webside. You can share documents and we use it every day. 2 times a year we have a test in the different classes, where the computer also is a very important tool. You can for example get a CD with an assignment and sometimes headphones for it also. The bad thing about needing a computer is that you very often do things that are not related to school work. But we think it is mostly a good thing.

6 Events at our school – parties with famous artists
We have lots of events on our school and recently we had a danish artist to play at our party. 250 students participated and it was the best party in a long time. We have an election of students who organize the parties.

7 Events at our school – Friday bar
Sometimes we have a Friday bar where you can come after school and get a drink and play different kinds of games, that is also made by the election of students.

8 Events in our class– Christmas lunch
In our class we have some students to plan something each month for the other students in the class. So the students for december month planned a christmas lunch for our class where we had lots of good food and competitions.

9 Events in our class - carneval
Then a group from the class organized a carneval where we dresssed up and had lots of fun.

10 The Danish school system
On the left side you can see the average age for the different levels of school. At first you are in kindergarden until you are about 5 years old. Then you go to pre-school for a year to be prepared for the elementary school. You go to elementary school in about 7-10 years, depending on how early you want to take a upper secondary education. Lots of students in Denmark go to continuation school either after 7, 8 or 9 grade. We are going to return to that later. After graduated the Upper secondary grammar school you can choose a higher education. And it is the one we see here on the top. Long continuing education is 5 years and they are typically split up in a 3 years bachelor and a 2 years candidate. A long continuing education is for example a doctor. Mid-long continuing education typically last for 2-4 years and follows a regular upper secondary level or the business college, which we are attending now. Mid-long continuing education is for example a nurse or a teacher.

11 A normal day at Holstebro Business School

12 Primary school It’s compulsory in Denmark, that everyone goes at the school to the 9th grade. We begin to learn English in the third grade We begin to learn Deutsch in the 7th grade Someone choose the 9th grade at a continuation school In the 9th grade everyone had some examination After primary school It’s compulsory in Denmark, that everyone goes at the school to the 9th grade. We begin to learn English in the third grade We begin to learn Deutsch in the 7th grade Someone choose the 9th grade at a continuation school In the 9th grade everyone had some examination After primary school

13 Continuation school When they graduate elementary school
Maximum 2 years Self-paid Contribution Gymnastics 4 % A lot of students in Denmark choose continuation school when they graduated elementary school, or take their two last years of elementary school on a continuation school. This type of school is self-paid, but the state gives a contribution. The schools often offer gymnastics or other activities such as horseriding, painting, acting, sewingclasses and so on – where you in the end of the year perform for other continuation schools with dance and gymnastics. All the students live together on the school for a year and they are only home in the weekends.

14 Grading systems in Denmark
There are certain demands to get the different grades. When you apply to further education there are often lots of requirements to get in  Involving the grades and depending on which study.

15 The gymnasiums in DK STX
Scientific classes. Very creative school. Music, visual art, drama. ”The hippies” Drives a bicycle every day of the year Now we are going to tell you something about the secondary schools that we have and our prejudice to them and reversed as well. They drives a bicycle every day of the year because they also care alot about the enviorment ss

16 The gymnasiums in DK HTX
Scientific classes. Practical classes such as baker, carpenter and bricklayer. Nerds who plays a lot of video games. Drives in ”brian” cars Scientific classes. Practical classes such as baker, carpenter and bricklayer. Nerds who plays a lot of video games. Drives in ”brian” cars – which is like the cars on the picture  Cars who are very tuned and with a dice in the window.

17 The gymnasiums in DK HHX
Lots of financial classes Snobs Business people Party clothes every day Fashionminded – always wears what’s trendy Borrow their parents cars Lots of financial classes Snobs Business people Party clothes every day Fashionminded – always wears what’s trendy Borrow their parents cars

18 Thank you for your attention!
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