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Exclusive and essential sets of implicates of a Boolean function

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1 Exclusive and essential sets of implicates of a Boolean function
Ondrej Cepek Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic jointly with Endre Boros, Alex Kogan, Petr Kucera, Petr Savicky DIMACS-RUTCOR Seminar on Boolean and Pseudo-Boolean Functions, January 20, 2009

2 Outline Notation and basic definitions Exclusive sets Essential sets
Definition and example Exclusive sets and CNF minimization Essential sets Definition and examples Duality between CNF representations and essential sets Essential sets and CNF minimization Coverable functions

3 Boolean basics Boolean function on n variables is a mapping
Literals = variables and their negations Clause = disjunction of literals Clause C is an implicate of function f if f ≤ C C is a prime implicate of f if dropping any literal means that C is no longer an implicate of f CNF, prime CNF, irredundant CNF Notation: Ip(f) = set of all prime implicates of f

4 Boolean basics two clauses are resolvable if they have exactly one conflicting literal producing a resolvent if C1 = A  x , C2 = B  x then R(C1, C2) = A  B R(S) is a resolution closure of set S of clauses resolution is complete: Ip(f)  R(S) for any CNF representation S of a function f Notation : I(f) = R(Ip(f)) Of course, I(f) is closed under resolution and we will not be interested in implicates of f outside of I(f)

5 Horn Basics a clause is negative if it contains no positive literals and it is pure Horn if it contains one positive literal a clause is Horn if it is negative or pure Horn a CNF is Horn if it consists of Horn clauses a Boolean function is Horn if it can be represented by a Horn CNF Fact: f is Horn  Ip(f) contains only Horn clauses Corollary: I(f) also contains only Horn clauses (not true for the set of all implicates)

6 CNF minimization (of # of clauses)
Optimization version: Given a CNF F find a CNF G representing the same function as F and such that G consists of a minimum possible number of clauses. Decision version: Given a CNF F and a number k does there exists a CNF G representing the same function as F such that G consists of ≤ k clauses? NPH for general CNFs (SAT is a special case), for Horn CNFs [Ausiello, D’Atri, Sacca 1986] , and for cubic Horn CNFs [Boros, Cepek 1994] Polynomial for acyclic and quasi-acyclic Horn CNFs [Hammer, Kogan 1995]

7 Exclusive sets of implicates
Let f be a Boolean function. Then X  I(f) is an exclusive set of f if for every two resolvable clauses C1, C2  I(f) the following implication holds: R(C1, C2)  X  C1  X and C2  X Example: f Horn, X = {C  I(f) | C is pure Horn} Theorem: Let F  I(f) and G  I(f) be two distinct CNFs representing function f and let X  I(f) be an exclusive set of f. Then F  X and G  X represent the same function (called the X-component of f).

8 Exclusive sets and minimization
Corollary: Let F  I(f) and G  I(f) be two distinct CNFs representing function f and let X  I(f) be an exclusive set of f. Then the CNF (F \ X)  (G  X) represents f. Lemma: Let  = X0  X1  ...  Xt be a chain of exclusive sets of a function f in which R(Xt) = I(f), and let Si  Xi \ Xi-1 be minimal subsets such that R(Xi-1  Si) = R(Xi) for i = 1,...,t. Then S1  …  St is a minimal representation of f.

9 Essential sets of implicates
Let f be a Boolean function. Then X  I(f) is an essential set of f if for every two resolvable clauses C1, C2  I(f) the following implication holds: R(C1, C2)  X  C1  X or C2  X Example 1: f Horn, X = {C  I(f) | C is negative} Example 2: t  {0,1}n, X(t) = {C  I(f) | C(t) = 0} Example 3: S  I(f) such that S = R(S), X = I(f) \ S Theorem: Let S  I(f) be arbitrary. Then S (as a CNF) represents f if and only if S  X   for every nonempty essential set X  I(f).

10 Essential sets of implicates
Corollary: Let X  I(f) be arbitrary. Then X is a nonempty essential set of f only if X  S   for every CNF representation S  I(f) of the function f. Theorem: Let X  I(f) be any minimal set such that X  S   for every CNF representation S  I(f) of the function f. Then X is an essential set of f. Theorem: Let D  I(f) be any maximal set not representing f. Then D = R(D), I(f) \ D is an essential set of f, and moreover I(f) \ D = X(t) for some t. Corollary: Let X  I(f) be a minimal nonempty essential set of f. Then X = X(t) for some t.

11 Essential sets and minimization
Definition: For a function f let cnf(f) denote the minimum number of clauses in a CNF representation of f and ess(f) the maximum number of pairwise disjoint nonempty essential sets of f. Corollary: For every function f: ess(f) ≤ cnf(f). Conjecture: For every function f: ess(f) = cnf(f). Definition: For a function f let ess*(f) denote the maximum number of vectors t such that X(t)’s are pairwise disjoint nonempty essential sets of f. Corollary: For every function f: ess*(f) = ess(f).

12 Essential sets and minimization
Let H be the set of Horn functions. Then the CNF minimization (decision version) for H is in NP. Assume ess(f) = cnf(f) for every Horn function f. Is then the CNF minimization for H also in co-NP? Definition: Let s  t be two falsepoints of f. Then we define a clause C(s,t)=(iI(s,t)xi)(iO(s,t)xi) where I(s,t)={i | s[i]=t[i]=1} and O(s,t)={i | s[i]=t[i]=0}. Lemma: Let s  t be two falsepoints of function f. Then X(s)  X(t)   if and only if C(s,t) is an implicate of f.

13 Essential sets and minimization
Summary: Minimization for H is in NP and it is also NPH so it is NPC. If the conjecture holds for H then minimization for H is in co-NP. Thus NP = co-NP. Remark: The same is true even for the set H3 of cubic Horn CNFs. Corollary: Unless NP = co-NP there exists a cubic Horn function f for which ess(f) < cnf(f). Fact: There is a cubic Horn function on 4 variables for which ess(f) = 4 and cnf(f) = 5. Definition: A function f is coverable if ess(f)=cnf(f).

14 Open problems Let Cov = {f | f is coverable}, Horn-Cov = H  Cov.
Recognition of Horn-Cov? If polynomial then CNF minimization for Horn-Cov is in NP  co-NP. Recognition of Cov? Minimization for Horn-Cov? Most likely possible if Horn-Cov recognizable. Minimization for Cov? Hopeless unless SAT is polynomial for Cov.

15 Concluding remarks All statements made about the set of Horn functions H can be repeated for any tractable class fulfilling: poly-time recognition poly-time SAT closed under partial assignment contains all prime representations Thank You.

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