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Academic Course Schedule

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1 Academic Course Schedule
Creating a Copy of a Course Section Using SSASECT

2 Welcome . . . Purpose: Faculty will learn how to create a copy of a course section using SSASECT. Audience: Academic Deans, Department Heads, Coordinators of Instructional Activities, Program Coordinators, and Division Secretaries Instructional Time: 7-10 minutes Assumptions: General navigation knowledge of Banner

3 Creating the Lecture in a Lec/Lab Course
Open the Schedule form by typing SSASECT in the Go box of the Banner Main menu and press the <Enter> key on the keyboard. Type the term code in the Term field. Navigate to the Course Ref. Number (CRN) field and type ADD. Press the <Tab> key on the keyboard. The Default Section Information dialog box displays. Select the drop-down arrow for the Default CRN field. This will take you to the search form SSASECQ. Type the subject and course codes for the section you are building in their respective fields.

4 Creating the Lecture in a Lec/Lab Course
Press the Execute Query icon on the tool bar. The results of your query displays. Click on the section that you wish to copy and select the Select icon on the toolbar. (Note: Section “0” is the only section that can be copied. Once section “0” is no longer needed, either delete the section or change the section number to the required format. Leaving “0” sections are not allowed). Select the Process Default Option. If the Session and Part of Term fields need revision, select and adjust accordingly. Click the Save icon on the toolbar. When you are finished, click the Exit icon on the toolbar.

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