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Chemistry, Aerosols, and Climate: Tropospheric Unified Simulation (CACTUS) Objective: to improve understanding of interactions between atmospheric chemistry,

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Presentation on theme: "Chemistry, Aerosols, and Climate: Tropospheric Unified Simulation (CACTUS) Objective: to improve understanding of interactions between atmospheric chemistry,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemistry, Aerosols, and Climate: Tropospheric Unified Simulation (CACTUS)
Objective: to improve understanding of interactions between atmospheric chemistry, aerosols, and climate

2 Approach: coupled chemistry-aerosol-climate GCM
CACTUS model Atmospheric chemistry Emissions land use climate forcing GISS GCM Aerosol microphysics D climate chemistry

3 Combined radiative forcings from tropospheric ozone and sulfate, 1800-2000

4 CACTUS contributions to IPCC 2001 report

5 1800-2000 radiative forcing from tropospheric ozone is less well constrained than implied by IPCC
Standard preindustrial simulation: DF = 0.44 W m-2 “Adjusted” preindustrial simulation (lightning and soil NOx decreased, biogenic hydrocarbons increased): DF = 0.80 W m-2

6 CACTUS contributions to IPCC 2001 report

7 Aerosol microphysics in CACTUS model
North America 202 cm-3 6.3 mg/m3 Number Concentration South Pacific 74 cm-3 0.13 mg/m3 0.01 0.1 1 10 Dry Diameter (mm)

8 Next CACTUS phase: aerosol-chemistry-climate coupling for 2000-2100
Step 1b: GCM simulation long-lived GG Current O3, OH, aerosols Step 1a: CACTUS simulation D Emissions Current climate Diagnose D climate from aerosol-chemistry-climate interactions Diagnose D chemistry due to climate change Step 2: CACTUS simulation D Emissions D climate increments: 2025, 2050, 2075, 2100 Step 3: GCM simulation long-lived GG D O3, OH, aerosols iterate Step 4: fully coupled simulation

9 SF6 simulation in 2xCO2 climate: comparison to present climate
Stronger convective transport Weaker interhemispheric exchange

10 SF6 simulation in 2xCO2 climate: comparison to present climate (cont.)
stronger stratospheric circulation and stratosphere-troposphere exchange

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