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Roberto Mechoso and I. Richter

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1 VOCALS Breakout Talk Schedule (20 min each, plus five minutes for discussion)
Roberto Mechoso and I. Richter Update on stratocumulus simulations by the UCLA AGCM Bob Weller Results from 3 years of mooring work at 20S 85W Chris Fairall, Pavlos Kollias, and Paquita Zuidema Early results from the Stratus03 cruise Chris Bretherton, Rob Wood, Kim Comstock, Sandy Yuter Feedbacks between drizzle and open cell cloud structure in the SE Pacific Jose Ruttland Synoptic-scale stratocumulus variability at San Felix Island: May 2003 Rene Garreaud Surface winds and MBL off central Chile: mean conditions and synoptic variability

2 VOCALS Agenda (2) 1330-1400 Oscar Pizarro
Low frequency variability of the thermocline in the eastern south Pacific …and… Long-term observation program off Chile VOCALS Strategic Discussion (Bob Weller, discussion leader) - possible agenda items 1. Discussion of VOCALS observational enhancements, scientific coordination and funding needs for the next two years 2. Discussion of VOCALS oceanographic science objectives and strategy 3. VOCALS radiator experiment - need for major equipment and research contributions from multiple S American countries for viability. 4. Updating VOCALS science and implementation documentation

3 VOCALS THEME To better understand and simulate how marine boundary layer cloud systems surrounding the Americas interact with the coupled ocean-atmosphere-land system on diurnal to interannual timescales.

4 VOCALS Scientific Issues
Time and space scales of CTBL-continent interaction. Regional S/I feedbacks between Sc clouds, surface winds, upwelling, coastal currents and SST in E Pacific. Feedbacks of Eastern Pacific cloud topped boundary layer properties on overall tropical circulation and ENSO. Climatic importance of aerosol-cloud interactions.

5 VOCALS STRATEGIES Global and mesoscale model evaluation and improvement (e.g parameterization development) using multiscale data sets. Model sensitivity studies to refine hypotheses and target observations. Science by synthesis/use of existing data sets, enhancement through targeted instrument procurement, algorithm evaluation and development, and enhanced observation periods. Co-ordination with oceanographic, aerosol, cloud process communities, including CLIVAR cloud CPT, CLOUDSAT, etc.

6 VPM6 VOCALS Recommendations
(+: going well, ~: some progress since VPM6, -: no progress to date + Major continuing efforts in diagnostic, sensitivity, parameterization studies of SE Pac stratocumulus and variability based on past field studies, satellite/model products, and observational enhancements. ~ Add an ocean diagnostic study component based on ARGO/ODA, cruises, WHOI buoy aimed at better understanding of ocean upwelling/lateral heat transport processes and their reln. to atmospheric variability. + Global atm./coupled, mesoscale atm., and (-) regional ocean modeling. - VOCALS ‘radiator fin’ coupled O-A-L expt. (Oct 06)

7 - Augment San Felix Island instrumentation with wind profiler, radiation, microwave LWP, and aerosol sampler. + NOAA/ETL sfc/remote sensing instrumentation on Pacific and (-) Atlantic buoy maintenance cruises, as well as in RICO. ~ Develop a VOCALS data set through a distributed satellite/model/in situ data archive maintained by JOSS. Archive ECMWF and NCEP hi-res column data at WHOI buoy, SFI in co-ordination with CEOP. + Coordinate with US CLIVAR cloud-climate sensitivity “climate process team” to feed into coupled model development.

8 Modeling, empirical, and satellite studies
VOCALS Timeline diagnostic/modeling work 2003-? ETL-enhanced WHOI buoy cruises VOCALS JOSS data archive 2005/01 RICO 2005/? Cloudsat? 2006/10 Radiator expt. Modeling, empirical, and satellite studies

9 VOCALS ‘radiator-fin’ experiment ca. Oct. 2006
Transect between WHOI buoy and coast Goals: Cloud/aerosol interactions, PBL diurnal cycle mesoscale ocean structure Diurnal subsidence wave Cld microphys. gradient Coastal jet buoy Ocn heat transport 3-4 weeks Surveyed in a radiator pattern by ship (ocn, cld obs) Aircraft flights along transect To realize this vision, more S American buy-in needed!


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