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Utilization of Nursing Research

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1 Utilization of Nursing Research

2 WHY? A sound foundation for practice
Enhanced autonomy, critical thinking skills Improving quality of patient care Improve patient outcome A stimulus for a collaborative practice improving nursing image Increasing scientific nursing knowledge

3 Utilization Criteria Clinical relevant (does it solve our problems?
Scientific merit (the results accurate, reliable and generalizable) Implementation potential a. feasibility b. cost/benefit ratio c. transferability

4 Barriers to Research Utilization
Research related barriers: Insufficient current research with solution to complex clinical problems Some research are not replicated Much research are not published (e.g. dissertation and thesis) Difficult research reports

5 Barriers to Research Utilization
Clinician related barriers: Attitudes toward nursing research (e.g., nursing research makes problems) Practitioners are not costumed to read journal articles Dependence on tradition Educator-practitioner gap

6 Barriers to Research Utilization
Administration related barriers: Minimum value given to research by administrators Less resource hive to research Lack of nursing autonomy Lack of incentives Reliance on policy and procedures

7 Strategies to facilitate research utilization
Writing to clinician audience in an understandable meaningful way Motivate practitioners to read journal articles Announcing through board and newsletter In-service education department Encourage participation in scientific panels and conferences

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