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Introduction to Weather - WebQuest

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1 Introduction to Weather - WebQuest
Matthew Miller & David Stoelzel EDU 505 Summer 2013

2 Introduction The weather is one of the few aspects in science that you will have a constant interaction with for the rest of your life. How many times have you wanted to know what the weather was going to be in order to figure out what to wear or if you were going to be able to go to an outdoor event? By learning the different factors that go into changing the weather, you will be better prepared for it.

3 Task Your task within this WebQuest is to walk through several websites that will introduce you to different aspects of the study of weather. You will also be answering several questions as you go through this WebQuest.

4 Process Starting on the next slide, follow the steps laid out to complete this WebQuest. As you go through this WebQuest answer the questions that follow. Base your answers on the information found on the websites given.

5 - Click
Directions: Follow the links provided to answer all of the questions…Good luck! Weather for Kids: A. Web Weather For Kids Clouds - Click 1. What is the main process behind cloud formation? _________________ 2. When water molecules move fast enough to escape into the air, the molecules are ______________________ 3. What can you do to a container of water to make the water evaporate faster? ______________ 4. Click on the link to see how temperature affects air molecules: a. Describe what happen s to the “red” molecules as you adjust the temperature bar. ______________________________________________________________

6 Go back to the main “Cloud” web page, Click on “Cloud Types”.
5. Go back to the main “Cloud” web page, Click on “Cloud Types”. A. Lis t 2 characteristics for the following cloud types: 1. Low clouds - Stratus: 2. Middle clouds Altostratus: 3. High clouds Cirrus: 4. a. Clouds with vertical development Cumulus: b. What are 3 weather related events we get from cumulonimbus clouds?

7 Click Here Read the paragraph at the top, above the links:
B. Winds: Click Here Read the paragraph at the top, above the links: a. What leads to the development of winds? ____________________________________________________ Go to the link “Pressure” b. Atmospheric pressure is defined as the ___________________ per unit area exerted against a ________________ by the ______________ of the air above that surface. c. If the number of air molecules above a surface _________________, there are _______________ molecules to exert a force on th at surface and the pressure ____________________. d. What is the air pressure at sea level? ________________________

8 - Click the “ ” at the bottom to move to the next page titled “variation with height” e. Where would you find fewer air molecules, 50 km above the surface or 12 km above? _________________________ f. More than half of the atmospheres mole cules are located below ______________________km “ at the bottom to move to th e next page titled “isobars” g. A line drawn on a weather map connecting points of equal ___________________is called an "________________". Isobars are are recorded in ________________________.

9 H - Click the “ “ until you reach the screen titled “High Pressure
Centers”. h. What’s another way to describe a high pressure center? __________________ _________________ k. Label the Anticyclone below: H


11 Click the “ “ until you reach the screen titled “Low Pressure Centers”. n. Why is cloudy weather (with likely precipitation) associated with an area of low pressure? ______________________________________________________ 4. Go to “Names of Wind” Ø List 2 winds and describes them: a. __________________ - b. 5. Go to “Wind Chill Explained with Calculator”: a. What is the wind chill factor? _________________________________ ________________________ _________________________________________________________ b. Choose a temperature: 20 F Choose a wind speed: mi/hr Calculate the Wind Chill Factor: __________________

12 6. Precipitation: Rain: Go to: How does freezing rain develop?______________________________ ______________________________________________________ Where does freezing rain fall mostly? _________________________ Why? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________ Snow: Go to What are the 3 variables needed to make snow? 1. ____________________________________________ 2. 3. List 3 different snow types: ___________________ _______________ Hail: Go How does hail form?_______________________________________ ______________________________________ How large can hail get? _______________________________ Click on “Freezing Rain”

13 7. Wild Weather Blizzards: Go to: How does the National Weather Service define a blizzard?_____________ _________________________________________________________ ____________ _____________________________________________ Hurricanes : Go to Provide the following facts about hurricanes: Rotates _______________________ around an ______________ A tropical storm becomes a hurricane when winds reach ______ ____mph Atlantic Hurricane Season runs from ________________ to ____________________. The major reason to stay away from the ocean during a hurricane is because of the ________________________ which does the MOST DAMAGE and causes the MOST DEATHS.

14 a. What causes a land breeze? __________________________________
4. Go to a. What causes a land breeze? __________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Draw a diagram of a land breeze below:

15 b. What causes a sea breeze ? _______ ___________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Draw a diagram of a sea breeze below:

16 Resources
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17 Evaluation

18 Conclusion Now that you have an introduction to the study of weather, you are now prepared to use this information and new found knowledge to better prepare yourself for everyday interaction with the weather. Especially recognizing and planning for severer weather.

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