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The Moeller PV Experiment: the ultimate scattering sector determination of the weak mixing angle at low energies Dave Mack (TJNAF) Workshop on Hadronic.

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Presentation on theme: "The Moeller PV Experiment: the ultimate scattering sector determination of the weak mixing angle at low energies Dave Mack (TJNAF) Workshop on Hadronic."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Moeller PV Experiment: the ultimate scattering sector determination of the weak mixing angle at low energies Dave Mack (TJNAF) Workshop on Hadronic Physics in China and Opportunities with 12 GeV Jlab August 1, 2009 Lanzhou, China Qweak evolves

2 Interactions of Electrons
The well understood interactions of point-like electrons, and the high intensity and quality of modern electron beams, make them ideal for studying the charge and magnetization distributions in nuclear matter. Because of the different isospin coupling of the γ and Z0, parity violating electron scattering provides an additional window on flavor. In precision measurements of Standard Model-suppressed observables, the large mass of the Z0 even brings potential new physics at TeV-scales within reach. Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV

3 sin2θW Determination at High Energy
The Standard Model value of sin2θW is dominated by two high precision measurements at the Z pole (one leptonic, one semi-leptonic) which are inconsistent. Leptonic measurements Semi-leptonic measurements LEPWG hep-ex/ Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV

4 Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV
sin2θW at Low Energy From Qw = A + Bsin2θW, one can derive with error magnification factor Measurement Mag. Factor F Δsin2θW/sin2θW Δsin2θW 0.5% Qw(Cs) 1.4 0.7% 0.0016 13.1% Qw(e) 0.041 0.5% 0.0013 2.5% Qw(e) 0.1% (on par with Z pole) 4% Qw(p) 0.078 0.3% Qwe is the most attractive way to measure sin2θW at low energies due to the error demagnification caused by 1-4sin2ΘW suppression, and the lack of significant hadronic dilutions. Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV

5 Comparing Low and High Energies: the running of sin2θW
Electroweak radiative corrections shift the effective neutral weak couplings. To access the effective coupling, data must be corrected for highly process-dependent electroweak box diagrams like The shift from γ-Z mixing is energy-dependent but universal: a property of the vacuum. If we include this effect in the effective coupling, it will cause sin2θW to “run”. The EM coupling α runs due to a similar γγ mixing diagram. It is 1/137 at low energy but about 1/128.5 approaching the Z pole due to reduced screening. I. Levine et al., PRL 78 (1997) 424. Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV

6 Scale Dependence of sin2θW
With the normalization defined by Z-pole measurements, The red curve is a SM prediction which includes γ-Z mixing in addition to the tree-level exchange. Z pole Eventually the e-e coupling gets weaker due to increased screening by W+W- pairs. Like the case of α, the e-e coupling gets stronger with increasing energy due to reduced screening. Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV

7 Low and High Energy Data on sin2θW
Cs APV centroid and error recently updated by Porsev et al., PRL 102, (2009). Constraints on new physics have moved to higher energy. Detailed boundaries for allowed phase space in new physics models is in flux. Cs APV and SLAC E158 verify the predicted running. The NuTeV result (not shown) is clouded by hadronic ambiguities. Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV

8 With Future Weak Charge Data
Qweak is projected to have a still smaller uncertainty than Cs APV, but is primarily a low energy search for new PV interactions of light quarks. The Moeller experiment is projected to have a much smaller uncertainty still. Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV

9 Energy Scale of an Indirect Search
The sensitivity to new physics Mass/Coupling ratios can be estimated by adding a new contact term to the electron-quark Lagrangian: (Erler et al. PRD 68, (2003)) where Λ is the mass and g is the coupling. A new physics “pull” ΔQ can then be related to the mass to coupling ratio: which reaches the TeV scale for a few percent weak charge measurements of the electron or proton. This is well above present colliders and complementary to the LHC. (Without the 1-4sin2ΘW suppression, the accuracy would have to be several times 0.1% to reach the TeV-scale.) The Qweak Experiment

10 e-e and e-quark Compositeness
Low energy values scaled from Ramsey-Musolf, PRC 60 (1999), Collider limits from Erler and Langacker, hep-ph/ v1 8 July 2004 Experiment/Proposal Compositeness (LL) e-q e-e (TeV) (TeV) Colliders (LEP2, CDF, Hera) 0.5% Qw(Cs) exists! 13.1% Qw(e) 2.5% Qw(e) 4% Qw(p) under construction The combination of Cs APV plus the Jlab Qweak and Moeller experiments will raise compositeness limits on electrons, u-quarks, and d-quarks to ~28 TeV. Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV

11 SUSY Sensitivities Theory and Experiment bands 95% CL Relative Qw(p)
RPV (tree-level): allowed pulls to ~6σ RPC (loop-level): allowed pulls to 3σ Qwe is complementary to other searchs: EDM’s require CP violation, PVES does not. Direct production of a pair of supersymmetric particles could be beyond LHC reach. Relative Qw(p) Shift The neutralino is unstable in RPV SUSY so cannot be a candidate for dark matter. Relative Qw(e) shift Theory and Experiment bands 95% CL A. Kurylov et al., PRD 68, (2003) Updated contours courtesy of Shufang Su (U. Arizona) Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV

12 Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV
Moeller Scattering The PV asymmetry is proportional to Qwe with no hadronic dilutions. This is a purely leptonic process, thus highly interpretable. Qwe Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV

13 JLab Moeller Experiment Parameters
APV = 35.6 ppb E = 11 GeV E’ = GeV Θlab = 150 cm LH2 target 153 GHz rate 5040 hours ∆sin2θW = ± (stat) ± (sys) Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV

14 Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV
Apparatus Overview Given the small lab scattering angles and relatively high E’, it was a significant challenge to fit the spectrometer inside the endstation. Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV

15 Magnetic Spectrometer
Another challenge was to focus e+e e+e events well-separated from higher energy e+pe+X events. Note the very different vertical and horizontal scales ( 1 m in diameter but 30 m long)! Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV

16 Resistive Toroidal Magnets
The downstream torus has a complex shape needed to produce the hardware focus. The conceptual design shown here needs further optimization to improve the focus, and engineers need to verify that that is buildable. (maybe plumbers too!) Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV

17 Integrating Detectors
The detectors for PV data must be integrating due to the extremely high rate (153 GHz : more than one electron per channel per nsec). Our reference design provides radial as well as azimuthal binning, and consists of fused silica radiators connected to PMTs via air lightguides. Front view Side view Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV

18 Additional Detectors Pion detector – integrating detector which operates at high luminosity to measure the PV asymmetry of muons and charged pions after EM shower products are ranged out by lead shielding. Tracking detector – event mode detector which operates only at low luminosity to measure the detector response, search for backgrounds, etc. Luminosity monitor – integrating detector at small angles

19 Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV
Backgrounds Mollers e-p’s Inelastics Backgrounds in our reference design are 8%. With further optimization of the magnets, we hope to improve the focus and reduce this further. Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV

20 Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV
Qwe Errors Errors Value Signal statistics 2.1% Beam polarization 0.7% Q2 0.5% Backgrounds Total 2.3% Which would allow an error on sin2ΘW of about = (stat) (sys) comparable to the best individual Z pole measurements. Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV

21 Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV
Getting Involved Some of the culture of parity violation experiments is different from that associated with parity-conserving experiments of cross sections and asymmetries. This can be a bit daunting, but skills in things like detectors, polarimetry, or simulations would allow a new group joining us to immediately make a big impact. Good ways to get started include the Hall A PV program: HAPPExIII, DISparity, PREx (relatively short experiments which start running almost immediately) the Hall C measurement of the weak charge of the proton: Qweak (a multi-year experiment now finishing construction whose size and schedule is a good match to groups interested in the Moeller experiment) Most recent version of the Qweak proposal (2007) is available at Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV

22 Some Contact Persons Regarding Name Email address
An experiment of this complexity has many subsystems, some of which are better suited for outside help. Here I have provided a non-comprehensive contact list which fits on a single slide: Regarding Name address Integrating detectors Dave Mack (TJNAF) Tracking detectors David Armstrong (William and Mary) Spectrometer design Kent Paschke (U. of Virginia) Beamline Instrumentation Mark Pitt (VPI) Simulations Neven Simicevic (Louisian Tech) General questions Krishna Kumar (U. of Massachusetts) Hall A Group Leader Kees de Jager Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV

23 Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV
Summary With the 12 GeV upgrade, JLab will be well-positioned to perform a greatly improved Qwe measurement. In the context of the SM, a 2.5% measurement of Qwe would provide critical input on sin2 θW , with an error less than , comparable in impact to the best SLC and LEP measurements. New e-e interactions would be constrained at TeV scales, with significant discovery potential were the measurement done today (realistically, we’ll be in a good position to help identify any new neutral bosons discovered at LHC). I’ve tried to overview the potential of this exciting experiment in Hall A at 12 GeV. The proposal can be downloaded at Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV

24 Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV
Acknowledgements The organizers of this workshop for their invitation and the countless headaches they must have undergone. The workshop support staff for making it all work. Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV

25 Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV
Extras Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV

26 Main Detector Requirements
Full coverage of e+ee+e locus Good coverage of e+pe+p including radiative tail Rad-hard Low excess noise (i.e., shower and electronic noise should be negligible) Radial segmentation for systematics (backgrounds) Azimuthal segmentation for systematics (e.g., parity-conserving cos(Φ) asymmetries, azimuthal defocusing, beam sensitivities, backgrounds, etc.) Our collaboration will investigate several straightforward detector technologies which are consistent with our proposed budget . We will then choose the best option(s).

27 Interpretability Only a few years ago, the interpretability of an improved low energy Moeller measurement was limited by the hadronic corrections in the γ-Z mixing diagrams. A dramatic improvement has been published Erler and M.J. Ramsey-Musolf, PRD72, (2005). with a theory error on low energy Δsin2θW = This is only about ½ the projected experimental error. Now reduced Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV

28 Non-scattering Measurements
Table-tops and laser quanta are relatively cheap. Atomic parity violation may one day compete with our projected Moeller error bar on sin2θW. Isotope ratios cancel uncertainties in many-electron wave functions. See D. DeMille, PRL 74, 4165 (1995) V.A. Dzuba et al, ZP D1, 243 (1986) It has been argued recently that the uncertainties in the neutron radius are highly correlated , thus also largely cancel in isotope ratios. See B.A. Brown et al, PRC 79, (2009). However, isotope ratios suffer from an error magnification of order N/ΔN, necessitating measurements an order of magnitude more precise than the Cs APV measurement by Wood et al. , precisions which have not yet been matched by other groups. Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV

29 Figure of Merit The relative statistical error dA/A is minimized by the configuration which maximizes FOM = dσ/dΩ*A2*Luminosity*time Despite Jlab’s lower beam energy (11 GeV vs 48 GeV at SLAC) , we can improve on the E158 result by providing a much higher integrated beam power. hence the FOM is proportional to E*Luminosity*time For fixed target length, what matters is the integrated beam power: total Joules or Megawatt*Years. Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV

30 The Impending LHC Revolution
PAVI08?: LHC collaborations need only a trickle of data to quickly discover or exclude a Z’ with mass below 2 TeV. Of course, it will take time to get their calibrations and analysis going. (Each additional increase in mass range ΔM = 1 TeV costs another order of magnitude in integrated luminosity.) PAVI10?: Depending on how well things go, they could be announcing discovery or exclusion for Z’ masses up to 3-4 TeV. For 4-5 TeV, the pace must slow to a crawl. F. Ruggiero seminar, 8th ICFA, Daegu, 2005 Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV

31 Direct Searches for New Physics
PPbar e+ e- X Extra neutral vector bosons appear in many SM extensions. Call it a Z’. If you have the CM energy and luminosity, direct searches are ideal. Limitations: statistics, backgrounds, and branching ratio to e+ e- but a large resonance bump should be unambiguous confirmation. Z0 No bump. At 95% confidence level, the world’s collection of pair data constrains Z-primes with SM-like couplings to > 800 GeV. LEP EWWB hep-ex/ Nov 2005) Moeller PV Experiment at 12 GeV

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