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John A. Ferguson Senior High June 1, :00 pm

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1 John A. Ferguson Senior High June 1, 2012 2:00 pm
Graduation 2012 John A. Ferguson Senior High June 1, :00 pm

2 Please do not send students to the Activities Office or the Counselors unless they have a pass or appointment from these offices. No excuses! Senior Clearance

3 Cap and Gown distribution will be after school from May 24, 25, 29, and the 30, in the auditorium. Only students who have been cleared for graduation and purchased their materials will be allowed to pick them up. Cap and gown distribution does not start till 2:30 pm. Do not let the students out of class early or they will not be able to pick up their cap and gown packet that day. Students who haven’t purchased their cap and gown must pass by the Activities Office to get a clearance release letter after May 25. They will have to go to Herff Jones and pick it up there. Cap and Gown

4 Cap and Gown Distribution

5 Tickets are required for all guests
Tickets are required for all guests. Children 6 and older must have a ticket. Students will receive 4 tickets with their cap and gown packet. May 31st two extra tickets will be available on a first come first serve basis. Again do not dismiss students early on May 31st or they will not receive the opportunity to get the extra tickets. Distribution does not begin until 2:30 pm. Students must exit the building and then line up in the walkway between the driver’s ed lot and the auditorium. Tickets

6 Extra Ticket Distribution

7 When you arrive to the BankUnited Center at 12:00 p. m
When you arrive to the BankUnited Center at 12:00 p.m., please report to the field house to complete your assignments. Once there, you will follow the Graduation “When You Get to the Arena” handout. If you are assisting with the line up of students, you will need to remain with them until it is time to line up in the Hurricane 100 Room. Each faculty member will have clearly defined roles (please refer to the “Faculty Assignment“ handout.) Upon Arrival

8 Directions to UM

9 Transportation and Parking
Parking is available in one of two parking garages; the “Ponce Garage” and the “Pavia Garage.” Arrive early and allow at least 20 minutes for parking. Coral Gables traffic is unpredictable so please allot enough time to arrive safely. Because of the strict graduation schedule that day, we cannot delay the start of our ceremony beyond 2:00 p.m. Please don’t be late. Transportation and Parking

10 Line of March Coordinators – these faculty are to help line up students within their academies (names will be bold faced and italicized with the LOM #’s in parenthesis) Team Leaders – provide help to the LOM Coordinators Section Leaders – help with anything their sides need Info. Table – help with any student needs (LOM cards, medals) Floating helper – help where needed Check-in table – direct students to correct side of Field House Diploma covers – responsible for diploma covers on stage during ceremony Assignments Faculty

11 If a student has a problem with their cap or gown, please assist them.
Two lines (Black and Silver) will be used again for this year’s processional. The order for the processional is as follows: Principal, dignitaries and stage guests, faculty, then graduates by academy, led by their top ten percent (in alphabetical order); late additions will march last. Field House

12 At 1:45 p.m. all participating faculty dressed in regalia will report to the Hurricane 100 Room to line up in their “Faculty Line of March” order. Leave your faculty folders backstage in the box provided. There will be someone to assist you find your place in the faculty line up and guide you to your rows (Shana Wexler – Black and Jacqueline Milera - Silver) At 2:00 p.m. the processional will begin. Each row will be numbered. Please make sure you stop at the row of the number you were given. Faculty Processional

13 Faculty Processional Map

14 Student Processional At 2:00 p.m. the processional will begin.
There will be two ushers (Shana Wexler – Black and Jacqueline Milera - Silver) to assist you to your row. There are exactly 15 student seats. Please listen to your ushers, they know what they are doing and will prevent any issues. There are two lines (Black and Silver) will be used again for this year’s processional. The order for the processional is as follows: Principal, dignitaries and stage guests, faculty, then graduates by academy, led by their top ten percent (in alphabetical order); late additions will march last. Student Processional

15 Student Processional Map

16 When the ceremony ends all students and faculty will file out with the last two rows leading the way. Faculty members will remain at the inside of the aisle until all students have exited the arena. If you are working the diploma distribution, please quietly slip out before the recessional begins. Faculty will help direct students back to the “Field House” for diploma distribution. Counselors, Lead Teachers, and assigned faculty members will report to the “Field House” for Diploma Distribution (see map) after they have finished their duties at the arena. Recessional

17 Instruct students to take off their gowns for collection while walking to the Field House.
Students should line up by the first letter of their last name. Diplomas will be distributed alphabetically. In order for students to receive their diplomas they will need to: 1. Deposit their gown in the boxes provided. 2. Show their name written inside their caps. Diploma Distribution

18 Diploma Distribution

19 General Info. & Reminders
Graduation is a CEREMONY not a party or pep rally. Please help us present it this way to the parents. Our priority is to make this day special for the graduates. It is their ceremony and we are working. Please bring your folders with you to the BankUnited Center. The folders and ids will be collected and reused next year! Please DO NOT enter the VIP (Hurricane 100) room until faculty line up time. This area has been reserved for dignitaries and stage guests only. General Info. & Reminders

20 General Info. & Reminders
Wear comfortable shoes. There is no seating available, you will be standing and walking around for approximately 2 hours. Please DO NOT bring any personal belongings as there will be no where to secure these items. Bring the John A. Ferguson ID badge found in your participant folder with you. General Info. & Reminders

21 General Info. & Reminders
The student information and video is found on the school’s website. Please direct anyone with questions there or to Room 11. Most importantly…Under no circumstance do you let students out early from class for cap & gown pick up or extra ticket distribution. We appreciate your cooperation in order to be fair to all students and have an organized distribution process. General Info. & Reminders

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