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11 DEVELOPING GROUPS Supervision Today! 7th Edition

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1 11 DEVELOPING GROUPS Supervision Today! 7th Edition
Motivating, leading, communicating, and developing DEVELOPING GROUPS 11 Supervision Today! 7th Edition Stephen Robbins David DeCenzo Robert Wolter

2 Chapter outcomes Contrast a group and a team. Define norms.
Explain the relationship between cohesiveness and group productivity. Describe who is likely to become an emergent leader in an informal group. Explain what a supervisor can do when group norms are hindering department performance. Identify three categories of teams. List the characteristics of real teams. List actions a supervisor can take to improve team performance. Describe the role of teams in continuous-improvement programs. Supervision Today!, 7/e Robbins, DeCenzo, Wolter © 2013 Pearson Education Uppers Saddle River, NJ 07458, All Rights Reserved

3 What is a group? Two or more interacting and interdependent individuals who come together to achieve particular objectives. Formal group – established by the organization Informal group – formed naturally due to need for social contact Team – committed to a common purpose, specific goals, mutually accountable Supervision Today!, 7/e Robbins, DeCenzo, Wolter © 2013 Pearson Education Uppers Saddle River, NJ 07458, All Rights Reserved

4 EXHIBIT 11–1 Reasons people join groups.
Supervision Today!, 7/e Robbins, DeCenzo, Wolter © 2013 Pearson Education Uppers Saddle River, NJ 07458, All Rights Reserved

5 Norms Acceptable standards that are shared by the group’s members.
Norms dictate things such as: Output levels Absenteeism rates Promptness or tardiness Amount of socializing allowed on the job Dress Effort and performance Loyalty Supervision Today!, 7/e Robbins, DeCenzo, Wolter © 2013 Pearson Education Uppers Saddle River, NJ 07458, All Rights Reserved

6 Cohesiveness Degree to which members are attracted to each other and are motivated to stay in the group. Contingency factors: Time spent together Group size Level of interaction Number of external threats History of previous success Supervision Today!, 7/e Robbins, DeCenzo, Wolter © 2013 Pearson Education Uppers Saddle River, NJ 07458, All Rights Reserved

7 EXHIBIT 11–3 Relationship among group cohesiveness, performance norms, and productivity. Supervision Today!, 7/e Robbins, DeCenzo, Wolter © 2013 Pearson Education Uppers Saddle River, NJ 07458, All Rights Reserved

8 Influencing the informal workgroup
Group norms Department goals Emergent leaders

9 Categories of teams Providing advice Management Production
Supervision Today!, 7/e Robbins, DeCenzo, Wolter © 2013 Pearson Education Uppers Saddle River, NJ 07458, All Rights Reserved

10 Comparing groups and teams.
Exhibit 11-4 Comparing groups and teams. Supervision Today!, 7/e Robbins, DeCenzo, Wolter © 2013 Pearson Education Uppers Saddle River, NJ 07458, All Rights Reserved

11 Five-stage model of group development
Stage 1: Forming Stage 2: Storming Stage 3: Norming Stage 4: Performing Stage 5: Adjourning Supervision Today!, 7/e Robbins, DeCenzo, Wolter © 2013 Pearson Education Uppers Saddle River, NJ 07458, All Rights Reserved

12 Development of Deadline Driven Ad Hoc Groups
Punctuated-equilibrium model Phase 1 – Initial meeting Determines direction, establishes norms, locks process Phase 2 – Halfway point in existence Personality conflict, dissatisfaction with progress, results in wake-up call Group becomes highly effective Last minute burst of effort Supervision Today!, 7/e Robbins, DeCenzo, Wolter © 2013 Pearson Education Uppers Saddle River, NJ 07458, All Rights Reserved

13 Building effective teams
Small size Complementary skills Common purpose Specific goals Common approach Mutual accountability Supervision Today!, 7/e Robbins, DeCenzo, Wolter © 2013 Pearson Education Uppers Saddle River, NJ 07458, All Rights Reserved

14 Obstacles in creating effective teams
A weak sense of direction Infighting Shirking of responsibilities Lack of trust Critical skill gaps Lack of external support Supervision Today!, 7/e Robbins, DeCenzo, Wolter © 2013 Pearson Education Uppers Saddle River, NJ 07458, All Rights Reserved

15 Overcoming Team Obstacles
Create a clear purpose and goals Encourage small wins Build mutual trust Appraise both group and individual performance Provide necessary external support Offer team-building training Change the team’s membership Supervision Today!, 7/e Robbins, DeCenzo, Wolter © 2013 Pearson Education Uppers Saddle River, NJ 07458, All Rights Reserved

16 Creating effective teams.
Exhibit 11-5 Creating effective teams. Supervision Today!, 7/e Robbins, DeCenzo, Wolter © 2013 Pearson Education Uppers Saddle River, NJ 07458, All Rights Reserved

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