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Chapter 10 Communication, Collaboration, and Contracting

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1 Chapter 10 Communication, Collaboration, and Contracting

2 Communication Process
Message Sender Receiver Encoder Channel Decoding Feedback loop


4 Barriers to Effective Communication
Selective perception Interpret through own perception Language barriers Interpret meaning of words differently Filtering information Manipulation of information by the sender to influence the receiver’s response Emotional influence How a person feels at the time a message is sent or received influences its meaning

5 Core Communication Skills
Sending skills Nonverbal: dress, body language, facial expression, physical distance Verbal: speaking & writing Keep messages honest & uncomplicated. Use few words. Ask for feedback.

6 Question Is the following statement true or false?
Decoding is an important step in the communication process.

7 Answer True Decoding is an important step in the communication process. The receiver must translate the message into an understandable form. This translation is called decoding.

8 Core Communication Skills (cont.)
Receiving skills Active or reflective listening: work to discover what the client means Sit forward. Sustain eye contact. Nod your head. Ask occasional questions for clarification. Paraphrase to reflect back what you have heard. Avoid daydreaming or making formulaic responses. Observing behaviors

9 Core Communication Skills (cont.)
Interpersonal skills Showing respect Empathizing Developing trust and rapport Effective communication skills are strongly influenced by the following factors: Previous experience Culture Relationships

10 Communicating with Groups
Group development Group process: changes in group dynamics over time Stages of group development Forming Storming Norming Performing Adjourning

11 Group Functions in Decision Making
Sharing of information Heterogeneous; diverse views enrich the number and types of alternatives in problem solving Influence on members' thinking by broadening perspectives and presenting new ways of thinking about issues Progression toward consensus or resolution via discussion

12 Techniques for Enhancing Group Decision Making
Brainstorming Nominal group technique Group sharing after working alone initially Silent ranking after discussion Delphi technique Cyclic process for reaching consensus Electronic meetings Anonymous projection of ideas from multiple inputs

13 Question Is the following statement true or false?
In the nominal group technique for group decision making, the members take turns freely offering suggestions.

14 Answer False The nominal group technique involves the pooling of ideas and discussion after members independently come up with ideas.

15 Nursing Informatics Computer science, information science, and nursing science Assistance in managing and processing nursing data, information, and knowledge to support the practice of nursing and delivery of nursing care Computerized charting, billing, databases, geographic information systems, PDAs, GPS Online chat rooms for support groups, discussion boards

16 Collaboration Essential element: interprofessional and interdisciplinary collaboration Purposeful interaction between nurses, clients, other professionals, and community members based on shared values, mutual participation, and joint effort Two basic features Goal: to benefit public’s health Involvement of several parties assisting one another to achieve goal

17 Stages of Collaboration
Competition Networking/communication Cooperation/coordination Coordination/partnership Coalition Collaboration

18 Characteristics of Collaboration and Partnerships
Shared goals Mutual participation Maximize use of resources Clear responsibilities Set boundaries

19 Collaborative Relationship: Phases
The first phase is a period of establishing and defining the team relationship. The middle phase occurs when team members start working together to accomplish desired goals. The termination phase occurs when the need for team members to work together has ended.

20 Question Which stage of collaboration would occur first? Networking
Competition Cooperation Coordination

21 Answer b. Competition Competition is the first stage of collaboration. It is followed by networking/communication, cooperation/coordination, and coordination/partnership.

22 Barriers to Effective Collaboration
Communication barriers Miscommunication Stereotypes Perception of unequal power and authority Apprehension about sharing information Inflexibility and uneasiness Failure to develop a common purpose Structural factors: inadequate time, resources, or agency support

23 Characteristics of Contracting
Partnership and mutuality Commitment Format Responsibilities Timeline Negotiation

24 Value of Contracting Partnership is developed, with agreement about its purpose and the conditions under which it will be carried out Self-health promotion and increased motivation Focus on unique needs Client participates in decision making Client’s autonomy and self-esteem are enhanced with learning self-care More efficient and cost-effective nursing service

25 Process of Contracting
Assessment: explore needs Nursing diagnosis/goal setting Plan/intervention: explore resources; develop a plan; divide responsibilities; agree on time frame Evaluation: evaluation; renegotiation or termination

26 Levels of Contracting Formal
All parties negotiate a written contract by mutual agreement, sign the agreement, and sometimes have it witnessed or notarized. Informal Some form of verbal agreement is made about relatively clear-cut purposes and tasks.

27 Question Is the following statement true or false?
Contracting involves commitment and negotiation.

28 Answer True Contracting is characterized by commitment, negotiation, partnership, mutuality, and format.

29 Internet Resources American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA): Canada’s Health Informatics Association: International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA): Midwest Alliance for Nursing Informatics: m Health Informatics Society of Australia

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