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Unhealthy Relationships

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1 Unhealthy Relationships
Dysfunctional families may result in…abuse. Content from EPS & CALM booklet

2 What is Abuse? “An attempt to control the behaviour of another person. It is a misuse of power which uses the bonds of intimacy, trust and dependency to make the victim vulnerable.”  (Edmonton Police Service, 2014)

3 Types of Abuse?

4 Verbal Abuse A form of abusive behaviour involving the use of language (criticizing, name-calling, put downs threatening, blaming). It differs from profanity in that it can occur without the use of expletives. Verbal abuse is a pattern of behaviour that can seriously interfere with one’s positive emotional development and over time, can lead to significant detriment to one’s self-esteem, emotional well- being and physical state. Verbal abuse, although not visibly apparent, is damaging nonetheless.

5 Emotional/Psychological Abuse
What is it? Damages the self-esteem of victims, they may come to see themselves as unworthy of love and affection. It can cause anxiety and depression and cause them to withdraw from everyone or everything around them. What does it look like? Insulting your family or friends, ridiculing your beliefs, race or religion, using constant put downs, threatening suicide if you leave, keeping you prisoner in your home, threatening to take the children if you leave and threatening to have you deported.

6 Physical Abuse What is it? What does it look like?
The most visible form of abuse. Victims often suffer physical injuries from deliberate violent acts  What does it look like? Includes pushing, shoving, slapping, kicking, punching, hitting, spitting, pinching, pulling hair, choking, throwing things, hitting victims with an object, and using or threatening to use a weapon.

7 Sexual Abuse Involves any sexual activity with a child or non-consenting adult. It includes a range of sexual behaviour from unwanted kissing to forced intercourse. Sexual abuse also includes non-contact abuse, such as exposure to child pornography. 

8 http://www. statcan. gc. ca/pub/85-002-x/2017001/article/14698/01-eng

9 Spiritual Abuse What is it? What does it look like?
Abusive practices in religious organizations and groups. What does it look like? Control and manipulation by spiritual leaders, but may be supported by members. Spiritual abuse is not necessarily deliberate, but may be the outcome of a particular doctrine. Spiritual abuse often involves secrecy and fear. 

10 More… Financial Isolation

11 Why may victims not want to report the abuse?


13 What can you do to stop it?

14 If you know someone who is being abused…
Connect with the person Listen to him or her Understand what the person is going through Express concern Seek help from a responsible adult, agency, crisis centre, or abuse hotline

15 Enough (2002) Trailer: ch?v=j3LVthzm88g

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