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Colonial America CA Standards: 8.1

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1 Colonial America CA Standards: 8.1
Learning Objective: We will understand the events preceding the founding of the new nation.

2 Applied Vocabulary Colony: A settlement in a new area Charter: An authorized grant to organize a new settlement. Cash Crop: crops that could be sold easily in markets and over seas i.e.: tobacco, cotton, sugar. Mayflower Compact: A formal document setting up the first civil government in the colonies. Great Awakening: A religious revival in the American Colonies that sparked new thoughts on religious and political Freedoms. Charter Colony: A colony sold by the English monarch to stock holders to make money. Proprietary Colony: Privately (individually) owned colonies. Royal Colony: Colonies under direct English control.

3 Reasons for Leaving Europe
Why did European citizens leave Europe for America? Religion Freedom: Escaping Persecution Money : Wealth Social Immigration Europeans who wanted the opportunity to better themselves socially and economically They wanted a new beginning

4 First Colonies In 1857 English colonists settled the first colony called Roanoke. It lasted 6 years before everyone disappeared. Known as the “Lost Colony.” In 1607, Jamestown in the Virginia colony was created. The settlers were saved by the discovery of the cash crop tobacco.

5 Mayflower Compact A group of separatists called Pilgrims sailed for Virginia in 1620, but landed at Plymouth in Massachusetts. Mayflower Compact set up the first civil government. All agreed to obey the laws they passed for the general good of the colony. Influenced the development of democratic government in America.

6 13 Colonies Rhode Island Massachusetts New York Maryland Virginia
Connecticut North Carolina South Carolina Delaware Georgia New Jersey Pennsylvania New Hampshire

7 Colonial Regions Each colony was unique in it’s characteristics
Colonial Regions Each colony was unique in it’s characteristics. However, they are grouped together based on location, reasons they were founded, and what types of industries they had. New England Middle Colonies Southern Colonies

8 New England Colonies

9 Middle Colonies

10 Southern Colonies

11 The Great Awakening The Great Awakening: Was a series of religious revival that swept through the colonies Influenced the social and political thought Jonathan Edwards inspired change through his preaching Experienced by all colonists helping to break down their differences unite the colonies form south to north. Changed colonists view on religious and political ideals. increased unity in support of revolution for independence.

12 Types of Colonies Royal Colony Proprietary Colony
Under direct control of the King. Parliament appoints governor and council. Charter Colony Self-Governing Colony Rights and privileges granted by the King and Stockholders. Proprietary Colony An individual or group given ownership of land from the king. Usually acted as governor and paid king rent.

13 Causes of the French and Indian War
Ongoing power struggle between Europe and France in the colonies. Both English and French settlers attempted to colonize land in Ohio River Valley

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