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Chapter 4 lesson 1 Cities on the Indus River pages 126 – 130

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1 Chapter 4 lesson 1 Cities on the Indus River pages 126 – 130
Mr. Bondurant 11/24/2018 Copyright © Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc.

2 Chapter 4 lesson 1 Cities on the Indus River pages 126 - 130
VOCABULARY: Subcontinent Nomad How have we learned about the history of the South Asian subcontinent? 11/24/2018

3 A. Cities the World Forgot page 127
1. Why did H. G. Wells write The Outline of History? 2. In what ways could history that people have learned influence the ways they think? 11/24/2018

4 B. Archaeologists Uncover Lost Cities page 127
1. What does Mohenjo-Daro mean? 2. What was the population of Harappa? 3. How were the Indus cities protected from floods? 11/24/2018

5 C. Ruins Tells a Story pages 128 - 129
1. How do we know Mohenjo-Daro was a planned city? 2. What facts did archaeologists learn from what they found in ruins? 11/24/2018

6 D. Mysteries Still Remain page 129
1. What makes scholars believe that the Indus people knew how to write? 2. What mysteries about the Indus people remain? 11/24/2018

7 E. The Aryans on the Subcontinent
1. Why are there no ruins to tell archaeologist about the early Aryans? 2. How do we know about the early Aryans? 11/24/2018

8 R34 1. TRUE 2. FALSE -> burial grounds should be cities
3. FALSE -> far from rivers should be on platforms of earth and brick 11/24/2018

9 W42 1. Fertile Plain People need to grow food to live and have water to drink. 11/24/2018

10 WORK TOGETHER! TOGETHER MEANS: On the same question at the same time!
Working only with your group! ALL brains are at work! Everyone comes to an agreement on the answer. Questions must be asked as a group! You may NOT divide and copy! 11/24/2018

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