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American Revolution Test Review

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1 American Revolution Test Review

2 What was the land north of the Ohio River called?
Northwest Territory

3 Families moved west of what mountains to start farms?

4 Who sued to be free after hearing the Declaration of Independence read?
Elizabeth Freeman

5 What group of people started the country’s first abolitionist group?

6 Individual states started to write their own_____ in 1776?

7 What was signed on September 3, 1783?
Treaty of Paris

8 The French and the Americans
Who made a plan to surround Cornwallis at Yorktown to help end the American Revolution? The French and the Americans

9 Who set up headquarters in Yorktown?
General Cornwallis

10 The British and the Americans fought a major battle in North Carolina at______?
Guilford Courthouse

11 Who earned the name Molly Pitcher?
Mary Ludwig Hays McCauley

12 Who said, “I regret I have but one life to lose for my country”?
Nathan Hale

13 Who was the German soldier who taught American troops a better way to march and fight?
Von Steuben

14 The victory at Saratoga convinced what country to help the Americans?

15 Who traveled from France to join the Continental Army?

16 The Continental Army moved to _____ to keep an eye on the British in Philadelphia
Valley Forge

17 What river did Washington cross on Christmas night 1776?

18 Who argued for freedom in letter she wrote to her husband?
Abigail Adams

19 Who wrote poems and stories about people fighting for freedom?
Mercy Otis Warren

20 Who was wounded after taking her husband’s place in battle?
Margaret Corbin

21 Who rode 40 miles to tell the Americans of a British attack?
Sybil Ludington

22 Who pretended to be a man so she could fight in the war?
Deborah Sampson

23 Who traveled with her husband and helped cook and wash clothes?
Martha Washington

24 This word means that prices of items go up.

25 Loyalists are Loyal to the king

26 Patriots are people who ….
Want independence

27 The end…… of the slide show . But the beginning of a new country!!!

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