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Sean Lyons 26th January 2016.

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1 Sean Lyons 26th January 2016

2 Telecommunications Software & Systems Group
TSSG Telecommunications Software & Systems Group Founded: In 1996, has 100+ researchers (112 people) in Waterford. Expertise: is a leading software R&D Centre with particular expertise in network, mobile and communications services. Science: is a leading SFI funded SRC Centre working with IBM, Cisco and Alcatel-Lucent. International: is one of Ireland’s leaders in the EU collaborative R&D programmes (FP7/Horizon 2020) and has worked with over 450 companies on these programmes. Industry: completed over 110 direct industry projects in Ireland over the past 5 years and has spun out a number of leading international start-ups such as FeedHenry Ltd 24/11/2018

3 SECO – Smart Energy Cluster Optimisation
Distributed Generation Renewables – Wind, Solar CHP SECO Smart Energy Cluster Optimisation Load – Selectable, Predictable EV’s, Thermal, Pumping, Data Centres Storage Battery, Thermal, Pumped Hydro, CAES If you consider an industrial estate or a large complex such as the Intel HQ in Leixlip, SECO looks at how to manage the energy demands of the many elements when you have many sources, including the grid, but also local wind turbines, solar panels, geo-thermal as well as a local generator and possible energy storage. SECO optimises this many-to-many problem to ensure demand is met and that the cost of energy is minimised. Market SEM Pricing Wind Forecasting Tariffs Demand Prediction DSU’s AGU’s SECO ‘ties it all together’

4 The Problem & Opportunity Identification
Old paradigm 100% Demand driven Large Centralised Power and Old, Unidirectional Infrastructure Inefficiencies, e.g. Spinning Reserve 29% of ETS* CO2 emitted by the power industry New paradigm Supply/Demand balancing Requirement to cater for Intermittency & Variability of Renewables Energy Conservation, Energy Efficiency, De-carbonised energy Mandatory EU Targets Transition will not occur with a ‘Top Down’ Approach * ETS + EU Emissions Trading Scheme

5 Why Solve It? Microgrids not alone reduce the cost of energy to the end consumer ++ the balancing/ramping/frequency/voltage services can be sold to the grid operator – Ancillary Services ++ microgrids are a tangible manifestation of Smart Grid that enable the further evolution of Smart Grid but allow the consumer to make profit on their energy by exploiting arbitrage opportunities in the electricity market Intelligence gives Control – turn Consumers into Prosumers

6 Solution Smart Grid must put the ‘End User’ in the Centre
Incentivise behaviour – Dynamic Tariffs Facilitate Distributed Generation Control = Power = Playmaker Consumer Participation Intelligent Decision System

7 Where’s the Money? Turn on/off load on market signals

8 Benefits hierarchy - consumer
Energy cost savings Energy arbitrage – profit opportunity Security of supply Availability & Price CSR (Green) Benefits hierarchy – Grid Operator & Energy Regulator Capacity Balancing/ramping etc De-Carbonised energy Energy independence Energy price

9 SECO in Industrial Settings
Model the factory/cluster load to establish an accurate profile with a view to predicting upcoming demand and trends Integrate with market to optimise real time pricing Enable demand side management mechanisms Enable Distributed Generation technologies including wind, CHP, battery storage, diesel generation, etc. Potentially trade power within the cluster (future) Model various scenarios to optimise and maximise returns Model these scenarios versus acceptable risk profiles thereby retaining control on site

10 Route to Market Stage 1 - Test bed sites in Industrial Load Centres
Stage 2 – Enabling Virtual Power Plants with complimentary vertical partners - Storage Technologies - Distributed Generation - Voltage Optimisation - Ancillary Services - EMS Systems Stage 3 - Microgrid partners in UK, EU and US

11 The Future New Paradigm Green Wave of Innovation Prosumers
Energy Independence Low Carbon Economy = 6th Wave Ancillary Services/Negawatts – DSM, VPP, VNM,……. All need Intelligence and Control to be effective Hierarchy of Smart Grid – Dynamic Tariffs, Consumer Participation, Control, RE, Decision Systems


13 Intellectual Property
SECO Algorithms and platform developed by PhD level Optimisation experts exclusive license from TSSG (WIT) Extensive industry knowledge input to platform Principal Investigator, Concept Developer & Promoter from the Energy sector TSSG expertise in development of high level software and Optimisation systems

14 Thank you for your attention
Any questions? Contact: Sean Lyons

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