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ENGR 480 In-progress Review <Group Name> Spring 2017

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1 ENGR 480 In-progress Review <Group Name> Spring 2017
<Date> IPR #<n> Insert your group’s name, the date of the scheduled IPR and the IPR number. 1

2 Current Overview As of today we rate ourselves as:
This your overall assessment. Details follow on next slide. Place the arrow next to your choice. Report your overall status by selecting a colored circle. Definitions are the same throughout the report. Green means progress is on or ahead of schedule; no shortfalls anywhere or only minor shortfalls that can be easily addressed within the next three weeks. Yellow means there are shortfalls, but they are under control and can be addressed within the next three week period. Red means there are shortfalls that cannot be addressed within the next three weeks, or are of such a magnitude that require major changes to the schedule or approach or both. 2

3 Recapitulation Reported Complete at Last Meeting Comments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. This is a quick recap that begins with where you were at the last meeting. List what you reported completed in the first column and highlight any changes. If there are no changes, leave the comment column blank. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Francis Marion University 3 3

4 Project Team Meeting Feedback from most recent PTM Comments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. This is a quick recap of your most recent PTM meeting with the instructor. List any feedback or concerns expressed by the instructor during this meeting and comment on their status if necessary. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Francis Marion University 4 4

5 Progress to Date Planned Objectives Status 1. Run ARENA calculations Completed 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. List in the left column the tasks you planned to accomplish during this period. In the second column, reflect their status. Examples: Completed; Working; Snag: etc…. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Francis Marion University 5 5

6 Focus for Next Period Projected Objectives Tasked to Anticipated Outcome 1. On-site visit PC: So far client cancelled 3 times 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. List in the left column the tasks you plan to accomplish during the next period. Predict the outcome for each objective by rating it: Complete or Partial Completion. Explain your anticipated outcome for each item listed. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Francis Marion University 6 6

7 Overview Areas of Interest Status Recurring areas of interest.
Technical Excel Simulation Communication - Corporate Communication – Team Team Dynamics Critical Path Short Range Mid Range Other Recurring areas of interest. Rate each area listed in terms of how well things are going by deleting the circles that do not apply and. So, for example, if you cannot get a particular computer program to work and you are at a standstill as a result, then rate “Technical” red, delete the other circles, and list, in the provided space, something to identify the problem, like: ARENA Software. Challenges – Critical Path: those project components whose completion is critical to delivering a successful project on-time Short Range: challenges anticipated within the next 1 – 2 weeks Mid Range: challenges anticipated within the next 4 – 5 weeks Be prepared to explain what you are doing to address any area rated yellow or red. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Francis Marion University 7 7

8 Projected Overview Insert reason 1 Insert reason 2, etc…
Expect to attain this during the next three weeks: Based on Insert reason 1 Insert reason 2, etc… Project your overall status by selecting a colored circle. Green means you will be caught up with no shortfalls. Yellow means you expect shortfalls, but they are minor or well managed and resolved quickly. Red means despite your efforts over the next three weeks, you expect some if not all of the shortfalls to extend into the next three weeks. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Francis Marion University 8 8

9 Closing Comments Insert
List anything of importance you have not already addressed. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Francis Marion University 9 9

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