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Calypso Goddess By: Alicia Rodriguez.

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Presentation on theme: "Calypso Goddess By: Alicia Rodriguez."— Presentation transcript:

1 Calypso Goddess By: Alicia Rodriguez

2 Calypso lives on a island named Ogygia
The beginning Calypso lives on a island named Ogygia Hesiod says Calypso parents are Tethys's and Oceanus Homer says different he says she is the daughter of Titan Atlas. She’s a very confusing goddess.

3 Powers & Specialty She was also known as a nymph
Calypso was a lower goddess She was also known as a nymph Offers gifts of immortality Her powers were limited Why because Odysseus did not want to be with Calypso.

4 Odysseus ship wrecked and ended up on Ogygia. Calypso welcomed him.
Story Odysseus ship wrecked and ended up on Ogygia. Calypso welcomed him. Their was an affair, Calypso fell in love. Odysseus thought as it as a distraction. Odysseus was forced to stay on the island. Calypso was demanded to let him go.

5 Conclusion The reason I picked Calypso cause I found her to be very interesting and she’s also a amazing actress.

6 Website research
pso&chips=q:calypso,g_3:the+odyssey,g_2:vanessa+williams&sa=X &ved=0ahUKEwjInYjT6eHXAhUpzIMKHXlzBwEQ4lYIKig

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