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The Odyssey Lesson 7.

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1 The Odyssey Lesson 7

2 Quiz: Take out a loose leaf sheet of paper and put your MLA heading on the left hand side. Title the quiz-- Book II Quiz The quiz is ONE QUESTION worth 10 pts When complete, turn it into the bin, and take out your materials.


4 Book 3: King Nestor Remembers
Telemachus and Mentor sail to Pylos, where they meet King Nestor and his sons. In a fatherly manner, Nestor tells Telemachus the sad story of Agamemnon's coming home after the wars Penelope is loyal to her husband, but Agamemnon's wife,, was disloyal. When King Agamemnon arrived home, his wife's new lover killed him. Nestor explains that Agamemnon and his brother Menelaus traveled together for a while and then went separate ways. The last time Nestor saw Odysseus, he was going to join Agamemnon. Since Menelaus was the last one to see Odysseus, Nestor suggests that Telemachus ask Menelaus about Odysseus. He gives Telemachus a chariot and asks his son to help him with his journey to Menelaus' kingdom in Sparta Mentor (Athena) leaves. All of a sudden, everyone at the feast realizes that Mentor is really Athena in disguise, so Nestor sacrifices (kills) a gilt-horned bull to honor her.

5 BOOK 4: “The King and Queen of Sparta”
When Telemachus arrives in Sparta, people are celebrating the double wedding of Menelaus' son and daughter with a huge feast. Menelaus does not know who Telemachus is. When Menelaus talks about how much he misses Agamemnon and Odysseus, Telemachus begins to cry. Then Menelaus sees how much Telemachus looks like his father. Telemachus and his father have more in common as the father's journey home parallels the son's journey toward manhood After dinner, Menelaus tells Telemachus the news. He says Agamemnon was killed and Odysseus was forced to stay on Calypso's island. Old Menelaus speaks sadly about the losing his friend. As Nestor and Menelaus get older, the soldiers change and their friendship becomes more important Back in Ithaca, Penelope's suitors know that Prince Telemachus is looking for his father. They are afraid that the young prince might not allow them to marry Penelope, so they try to stop Telemachus. Penelope worries about her son, but Athena sends her a dream to keep her calm.

6 Today: We are going to begin to read Book 5: “Odysseus- Nymph and Shipwreck”-- pg 152 in the novel Audiobook: Book 5 is the first time the reader meets Odysseus Just like how we focused on conflict with Telemachus in the previous books, we will now discuss Odysseus’s response to conflict and what this reveals about his true character.


8 Book 5 Handout-- Student Material--pg 19
Episodes/Events: Hermes flies into Ogygia, and is impressed with the scenery. Odysseus, however, is weeping as he looks out on the sea. Calypso tells Odysseus that she has to release him. She tries to convince him to stay and asks if Penelope could compete with her. Odysseus tells her what she wants to hear. Odysseus sets sail on a homemade raft. Poseidon sends a storm that destroys his small boat.

9 Complex Character A complex character, also known as a Dynamic character or a Round character displays the following characteristics: He or she undergoes an important change as the plot unfolds. 2. The changes he or she experiences occur because of his or her actions or experiences in the story. 3. Changes in the character may be good or bad. 4. The character is highly developed and complex, meaning they have a variety of traits and different sides to their personality. 5. Some of their character traits may create conflict in the character. 6. He or she displays strengths, weaknesses, and a full range of emotions. 7. He or she has significant interactions with other characters. 8. He or she advances the plot or develops a major theme in the text.

10 Book 2- Student Materials (pg 18) **Optional**
Look at Book 2. As a way to review what you read, complete the chart like we did for Book 5. Episodes/Events: Telemachus address the assembly; he tells the suitors to leave the palace. He becomes emotional and burst into tears. Antinous takes advantage of Telemachus’s emotion and complains about Penelope’s tricks. He then claims he will not leave until Penelope chooses a husband. Telemachus remains calm in his response.

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