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By Mrs. Porter Talley Middle School Wilmington Delaware

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1 By Mrs. Porter Talley Middle School Wilmington Delaware
Properties of Matter By Mrs. Porter Talley Middle School Wilmington Delaware

2 Characteristic Properties States of Matter Mixtures and Solutions
Unit Components Physical Properties Characteristic Properties States of Matter Mixtures and Solutions

3 Matter: Anything that has mass and takes up space

4 Mass: the amount of matter in an object measured with a balance

5 Volume: the amount of space an object takes up
measured with a ruler or graduated cylinder

6 Every form of matter has two kinds of properties:
Physical Chemical

7 Physical Properties Are characteristics or features that describe matter Are true only for a certain amount of matter

8 Examples include color size shape texture smell Temperature state

9 Physical Properties Are properties that do NOT change as mass, volume and/or shape change. Are properties of a substance, not a specific object

10 Examples include boiling point melting point solubility conductivity
hardness pH flammability density

11 Mass Volume Shape Texture State Mixture Solution Odor
Examples of Physical Properties/Changes: Mass Volume Shape Texture State Mixture Solution Odor

12 Chemical Properties of Matter
Chemical Property - is a characteristic of a pure substance that describes its ability to change into different substances. To observe the chemical properties of a substance, you must try to change it to another substance.

13 Burning Rusting Cooking Film Processing
Examples of Chemical Properties/Changes: Burning Rusting Cooking Film Processing (Any change that causes NEW matter to be formed)

14 States of Matter Solid Liquid Gas Plasma

15 The Molecule Chamber Demonstrates the movement of particles of matter in the various states in which it occurs. Increased temperature increases particle movement and the space between them. The particles of water behave differently because of the make up of the molecule

16 Solids Have definite shape and definite volume
Particles are tightly packed

Particles of solids are tightly packed, vibrating about a fixed position. Solids have a definite shape and a definite volume. Heat

18 Liquids Do not have definite shape but do have definite volume
Particles are loosely packed

Particles of liquids are tightly packed, but are far enough apart to slide over one another. Liquids have an indefinite shape and a definite volume. Heat

20 Gases Do not have definite shape or definite volume
Particles are very far apart

21 STATES OF MATTER GAS Particles of gases are very far apart and move freely. Gases have an indefinite shape and an indefinite volume. Heat

22 Phase Changes of Water ICE WATER STEAM (solid) (liquid) (gas) melting
freezing evaporating condensing (solid) (liquid) (gas)

23 Description of Phase Change
PHASE CHANGES Description of Phase Change Term for Phase Change Heat Movement During Phase Change Solid to liquid Melting Heat goes into the solid as it melts. Liquid to solid Freezing Heat leaves the liquid as it freezes.

24 Description of Phase Change
PHASE CHANGES Description of Phase Change Term for Phase Change Heat Movement During Phase Change Liquid to gas Vaporization, which includes boiling and evaporation Heat goes into the liquid as it vaporizes. Gas to liquid Condensation Heat leaves the gas as it condenses. Solid to gas Sublimation Heat goes into the solid as it sublimates.

A plasma is an ionized gas. A plasma is a very good conductor of electricity and is affected by magnetic fields. Plasmas, like gases have an indefinite shape and an indefinite volume. Plasma is the common state of matter

Tightly packed, in a regular pattern Vibrate, but do not move from place to place Close together with no regular arrangement. Vibrate, move about, and slide past each other Well separated with no regular arrangement. Vibrate and move freely at high speeds Has no definite volume or shape and is composed of electrical charged particles

27 Properties of Matter include:
How it looks (shiny, dull, colored) How it feels (hard, soft, rough, smooth) How it smells (sweet, salty, flowery) How it sounds (loud, soft, hollow) How it tastes (sweet salty, bitter, sour) What it does (bounce, bubble, tear)

28 Substance A substance is a single kind of matter that is pure. It always has a specific makeup – or composition – a specific set of properties. Water Sugar Salt When is matter not a substance?

29 Elements Element – is a pure substance that cannot be broken down into any other substances by chemical or physical means. Elements are the simples substances – each element can be identified by the specific physical and chemical properties.


31 Particles of Elements Atom – basic particle from which all elements are made.

32 When Atoms Combine Chemical Bond – force of attraction between two atoms. Molecules – when atoms combine to form larger particles.

33 Compounds Compound – is a pure substance made of two or more elements chemically combined in a set ratio. Chemical Formula – a way to represent a compound. When elements are chemically combined, they form compounds having properties that are different from those of the uncombined elements.


35 Mixtures Mixture – is made of two or more substances – elements, compounds or both – that are together in the same place, but not chemically combined. Differ from compounds in two ways: Each substance in a mixture keeps its individual properties Parts of a mixture are not combined in a set ratio.

36 Types of Mixtures Heterogeneous mixture – You can see the different parts. Homogeneous mixture – So evenly mixed that you can’t see the different parts.

37 Heterogeneous Mixture

38 Homogeneous Mixture

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