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ESSnet project "Automated data collection and reporting in accommodation statistics"   Objectives, achievements and results

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1 ESSnet project "Automated data collection and reporting in accommodation statistics"   Objectives, achievements and results Köln, 27th October 2011

2 Generic Statistical Business Process Model - GSBPM
ComingNexts   Introduction Tasks-Generic Statistical Business Process Model Conclusions Generic Statistical Business Process Model - GSBPM Introduction 1 Specify Needs 2 Design 3 Build 4 Collect 5 Process 6 Analyse 7 Disseminate 8 Archive 9 Evaluate

3 Regulation 692/2011 concerning European statistics on tourism
Introduction   Objective: Common XML file structure Common file structure International comparability (Principle 14) Quality increase (Principle 4) Automated way of collection Response burden (Principle 9) Costs reduction (Principle 10) Timeliness improvement (Principle 13) Regulation 692/2011 concerning European statistics on tourism Introduction

4 General Overview Finished Work Packages Ongoing Work Packages
Work Package 2: Research the management software packages Work Package 3: Analyse the automated data collection systems based on XML files Work Package 4: Definition of a common XML schema for occupancy surveys Ongoing Work Packages Work Package 5: Application to receive XML files Work Package 6: Evaluation of NSI’s information systems Work Package 7: Feed-back reports to establishments Work Package 8: Dissemination Countries involved Timing Introduction

5 Tasks / Work Packages Objectives:
WP 2: Research the management software packages Objectives: - To know/contact the main providers of those packages. - To analyse the information recorded in those packages. Results: - Meetings with software companies, hotel chains and tourism accommodation establishments. Introduction 1 Specify Needs 2 Design 3 Build 4 Collect 5 Process 6 Analyse 7 Disseminate 8 Archive 9 Evaluate

6 Tasks / Work Packages   WP 3: Analyse the automated data collection systems based on XML files Objectives: - To study the systems that are working nowadays. - To compare the schemas to see the similarities and differences. Results: - Report comparing the three existing systems to use in WP-4. Introduction 1 Specify Needs 2 Design 3 Build 4 Collect 5 Process 6 Analyse 7 Disseminate 8 Archive 9 Evaluate

7 Tasks / Work Packages Objectives:
WP 4: Definition of a common XML schema for occupancy surveys Objectives: - To define the structure (two parts: the common one with variables from the Regulation and the optional one specific for each country) and characteristics of the file. - To agree a set of validation rules. Results: - Each country has its own XML schema. Introduction 1 Specify Needs 2 Design 3 Build 4 Collect 5 Process 6 Analyse 7 Disseminate 8 Archive 9 Evaluate

8 Tasks / Work Packages Objectives:
WP 5: Application to receive XML files Objectives: - Decide which method to use to receive XML files (web service, uploading manually) and develop the appropriate software. Introduction 1 Specify Needs 2 Design 3 Build 4 Collect 5 Process 6 Analyse 7 Disseminate 8 Archive 9 Evaluate

9 Tasks / Work Packages Objectives:
WP 6: Evaluation of NSI’s information systems Objectives: - Analyse different ways of introducing the data collected by XML in the NSIs database. 1 Specify Needs 2 Design 3 Build 4 Collect 5 Process 6 Analyse 7 Disseminate 8 Archive 9 Evaluate

10 Tasks / Work Packages Objectives:
WP 7: Feed-back reports to establishments Objectives: - Analyse what kind of information could be useful and interesting for establishment. - Study if NSIs can produce easily that information and design a system to produce the reports automatically. 1 Specify Needs 2 Design 3 Build 4 Collect 5 Process 6 Analyse 7 Disseminate 8 Archive 9 Evaluate

11 Tasks / Work Packages Objectives: WP 8: Dissemination
- Organise a Workshop to explain to the rest of the Member States the works developed in this ESSnet project. 1 Specify Needs 2 Design 3 Build 4 Collect 5 Process 6 Analyse 7 Disseminate 8 Archive 9 Evaluate

12 Conclusions Data capture at source and automatically
Errors Validation Timeliness Edit Burden Same standard exchange language Comparability Quality Feed back with stakeholders Users needs Introduction

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