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A crossing lemma for the pair-crossing number

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1 A crossing lemma for the pair-crossing number
Eyal Ackerman and Marcus Schaefer

2 A crossing lemma for the pair-crossing number
weaker than advertised A crossing lemma for the pair-crossing number Eyal Ackerman and Marcus Schaefer

3 A crossing lemma for the pair-crossing number
a variant of A crossing lemma for the pair-crossing number Eyal Ackerman and Marcus Schaefer

4 The crossing lemma The crossing number of a graph 𝐺, cr(𝐺), is the minimum number of edge crossings in a drawing of 𝐺 in the plane. Crossing Lemma: For every graph 𝐺 with 𝑛 vertices and 𝑒β‰₯4𝑛 edges cr(𝐺)β‰₯π‘βˆ™ 𝑒 3 / 𝑛 2 . [Ajtai, ChvΓ‘tal, Newborn, SzemerΓ©di 1982; Leighton 1983] Tight, up to 𝑐. ≀ ≀ ≀ β‰ˆ ≀ 𝑐 ≀ 0.09 folklore Pach & TΓ³th 97 Pach et al. 06 A. 2013 Pach & TΓ³th 97

5 The crossing lemma Proof: cr 𝐺 β‰₯π‘’βˆ’3𝑛 Consider a drawing with cr(𝐺) crossings Pick every vertex with probability 𝑝 and get 𝐺′ Ex 𝑛 β€² =𝑝𝑛, Ex 𝑒 β€² = 𝑝 2 𝑒, Ex cr( 𝐺 β€² ) ≀ 𝑝 4 cr 𝐺 Ex(cr 𝐺 β€² )β‰₯Ex( 𝑒 β€² )βˆ’3βˆ™Ex( 𝑛 β€² ) Plug in the expected values and set 𝑝=4𝑛/𝑒≀1 ∎ The crossing number of a graph 𝐺, cr(𝐺), is the minimum number of edge crossings in a drawing of 𝐺 in the plane. Crossing Lemma: For every graph 𝐺 with 𝑛 vertices and 𝑒β‰₯4𝑛 edges cr(𝐺)β‰₯π‘βˆ™ 𝑒 3 / 𝑛 2 . [Ajtai, ChvΓ‘tal, Newborn, SzemerΓ©di 1982; Leighton 1983] Tight, up to 𝑐. ≀ ≀ ≀ β‰ˆ ≀ 𝑐 ≀ 0.09 folklore Pach & TΓ³th 97 Pach et al. 06 A. 2013 Pach & TΓ³th 97

6 Other crossing numbers
cr (𝐺) – min number of crossings when 𝐺 is drawn with straight-line edges. pcr(𝐺) – min number of pairs of edges that cross. ocr(𝐺) – min number of pairs of edges that cross oddly. And many more… [Schaefer 2013]

7 Adjacent crossings Are adjacent crossings redundant?
Tutte: β€œβ€¦ crossings of adjacent edges are trivial, and easily got rid of”. True for cr but not necessarily for other variants. Pach and TΓ³th: Rule +: Adjacent crossings are not allowed. Rule -: Adjacent crossings are not counted. Rule 0: Adjacent crossings are allowed and counted. Fulek et al. , Adjacent crossings do matter, GD 2011: there are graphs 𝐺 such that ocr-(𝐺) < ocr(𝐺).

8 Using the probabilistic proof and the strong Hanani-Tutte Theorem
Other crossing lemmas 𝑒 𝑛 2 ≀ ocr- 𝐺 ≀ ocr 𝐺 ≀pcr 𝐺 ≀pcr+(𝐺)≀cr(𝐺) ≀ cr (𝐺) Using the probabilistic proof and the strong Hanani-Tutte Theorem Thm: pcr(𝐺)β‰₯ βˆ™ 𝑒 3 / 𝑛 2 .* Thm: pcr+(𝐺)β‰₯ βˆ™ 𝑒 3 / 𝑛 2 .* * If 𝐺 is not too sparse.

9 Improving via local crossing number
The local crossing number of a graph 𝐺, lcr(𝐺), is the minimum π‘˜ such that 𝐺 can be drawn with at most π‘˜ crossings per edge. Or: lcr 𝐺 = minimum π‘˜ such that 𝐺 is π‘˜-planar. Improving the crossing lemma: Prove that if lcr 𝐺 is β€œsmall” then 𝐺 is β€œsparse”. E.g., if lcr 𝐺 ≀1 then 𝑒≀4(π‘›βˆ’2). Use it to get a β€œweak” bound cr 𝐺 β‰₯π›Όβˆ™π‘’βˆ’π›½βˆ™π‘›. E.g., cr 𝐺 β‰₯2 π‘’βˆ’4𝑛 β‰₯2π‘’βˆ’8𝑛 Use the weak bound instead of cr 𝐺 β‰₯π‘’βˆ’3𝑛 in the probabilistic proof of the crossing lemma.

10 Improving via local crossing number (2)
lcr 𝐺 =0 ⟹ 𝑒≀3 π‘›βˆ’2 [Euler] lcr 𝐺 ≀1 ⟹ 𝑒≀4(π‘›βˆ’2) lcr 𝐺 ≀2 ⟹ 𝑒≀5(π‘›βˆ’2) lcr 𝐺 ≀3 ⟹ 𝑒≀5.5(π‘›βˆ’2) lcrβˆ— 𝐺 ≀4 ⟹ 𝑒≀6(π‘›βˆ’2) lcr 𝐺 β‰€π‘˜ ⟹ 𝑒≀3.81 π‘˜ 𝑛 [Pach & TΓ³th 1997] [Pach et al. 2006] [A. 2013]

11 The local pair-crossing number
The local pair-crossing number of a graph 𝐺, lpcr(𝐺), is the minimum π‘˜ such that 𝐺 can be drawn with every edge crossing at most π‘˜ other edges (each of them possibly more than once). Clearly, lpcr 𝐺 ≀lcr(𝐺). It can happen that lpcr 𝐺 <lcr(𝐺): lpcr 𝐺 =4 lcr 𝐺 =5

12 lpcr 𝐺 vs. lcr 𝐺 lcr 𝐺 < 2 lpcr(𝐺) [Schaefer & Štefankovič 2004]
Thm: If lpcr 𝐺 ≀2 then lpcr 𝐺 =lcr(𝐺). Cor: lpcr 𝐺 =0 ⟹ 𝑒≀3 π‘›βˆ’2 lpcr 𝐺 ≀1 ⟹ 𝑒≀4 π‘›βˆ’2 lpcr 𝐺 ≀2 ⟹ 𝑒≀5 π‘›βˆ’2 Just saw: lpcr 𝐺 =4⇏lcr 𝐺 =4. Open: lpcr 𝐺 =3 β‡’lcr 𝐺 =3 ? If true, then lpcr 𝐺 ≀3 implies 𝑒≀5.5(π‘›βˆ’2). Thm: if lpcr 𝐺 ≀3 then 𝑒≀6(π‘›βˆ’2).

13 Improving the crossing lemma for pcr+
Using the bounds on the size of graphs with small lpcr we get: pcr+(G)β‰₯pcr 𝐺 β‰₯4π‘’βˆ’18𝑛 Plugging this bound into the probabilistic proof yields pcr+(𝐺)β‰₯ βˆ™ 𝑒 3 / 𝑛 2 for 𝑒β‰₯6.75𝑛.

14 Proving lpcr 𝐺 ≀2⟹lcr 𝐺 ≀2 lcr 𝐺 ≀3 since lcr 𝐺 < 2 lpcr(𝐺)
𝐷 – a drawing of 𝐺 with the least number of crossings such that lcr 𝐷 ≀3. Suppose that 𝑒 is crossed 3 times: No consecutive crossings with the same edge:

15 Proving lpcr 𝐺 ≀2⟹lcr 𝐺 ≀2 lcr 𝐺 ≀3 since lcr 𝐺 < 2 lpcr(𝐺)
𝐷 – a drawing of 𝐺 with the least number of crossings such that lcr 𝐷 ≀3. Suppose that 𝑒 is crossed 3 times: Crossing pattern must be π‘Žπ‘π‘Ž:

16 Summary and open problems
A pair-crossing lemma: For every graph 𝐺 with 𝑛 vertices and 𝑒β‰₯6.75𝑛 edges pcr+ (𝐺)β‰₯ βˆ™ 𝑒 3 / 𝑛 2 Does it hold for pcr? Is it true that pcr 𝐺 =pcr+(𝐺)? Is it true that pcr 𝐺 =cr(𝐺)? Known: cr 𝐺 = 𝑂 ( (pcr 𝐺 ) 3/2 ) [Matousek 2013]

17 Summary and open problems (2)
lcr 𝐺 < 2 lpcr(𝐺) Is it true that lcr 𝐺 <poly(lpcr 𝐺 ) ? Thm: If lpcr 𝐺 ≀2 then lpcr 𝐺 =lcr(𝐺). There is 𝐺 such that lpcr 𝐺 =4<lcr 𝐺 =5. Open: lpcr 𝐺 =3 ⟹lcr 𝐺 =3 ? Thm: if lpcr 𝐺 ≀3 then 𝑒≀6(π‘›βˆ’2). What about the local odd-crossing number? locr 𝐺 =1 ⟹lcr 𝐺 =1 ?

18 Thank you and


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