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Dickerson Middle School

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1 Dickerson Middle School
Bus Positive Behavior Dickerson Middle School

2 Proactive: : Listen to the bus driver, and report any incidents
Be sure you are… -Being quiet when the bus driver is speaking -Letting the bus driver know immediately when there is bullying or inappropriate behavior occurring

3 Empathetic: Respect the space of other bus riders.
Be sure you are… -Keeping your hands and feet to yourself -Refraining from bothering anyone else’s belongings

4 Active Learner: Stay seated while the bus is moving.
Be sure you are… -Facing forward while seated -Staying in your assigned seat until the appropriate stop is reached


6 Self- Aware: Use conversational voice and appropriate language.
Be sure you are… -Using your inside voice -Speaking appropriately with each other

7 Reflective: Do I have everything before I exit the bus?
Be sure you are… -Double-checking your seat before exiting the bus -Throwing away any trash left in your seat

8 Non-Examples: -Talking to others around you while the bus driver is speaking -Neglecting to notify the bus driver when a student is being bullied -Horse-play with students in the same seat as well as surrounding seats -Putting other students’ items in the aisle or on the floor -Turning around and leaning over your seat -Moving from seat to seat while the bus is moving -Yelling across the bus to other students -Picking on other students and using profanity -Trying to rush off the bus -Balling up paper and throwing it on the floor

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