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BELLRINGER Define INNATE BEHAVIOR Give 5 examples of innate behavior

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1 BELLRINGER Define INNATE BEHAVIOR Give 5 examples of innate behavior
HAVE YOUR ANIMAL BEHAVIOR STUDY GUIDE OUT ON YOUR DESK! Find answers in CH 33 Define INNATE BEHAVIOR Give 5 examples of innate behavior Define LEARNED BEHAVIOR Give 5 examples of learned behavior Name a behavior that is both innate & learned What is the difference between REFLEX and INSTINCT?

2 ANIMAL BEHAVIOR Behavior…anything an animal does in response to a stimulus

3 INNATE BEHAVIOR Inherited behavior Instincts & reflexes
Behavior an animal is born with EX: suckling; building nests, migrating, defending territory

4 Innate Behavior Taxis – animal moves toward or away from a stimulus
Ex. Insect moving toward or away from light Positive light taxis

5 Innate Behavior REFLEX INSTINCT Automatic response to a stimulus
Pulling your hand away from heat Jumping at a loud noise Something you are born knowing to do Building a nest suckling

6 Innate Behavior MIGRATION
Moving to new location periodically (find food, mating partners) Based on seasons, rain

7 Innate Behavior HIBERNATION – dormant (sleep-like state) in winter
Purpose????? Survive winters when there is little available food.

8 Innate Behavior ESTIVATION – dormancy during periods of extreme heat or drought Purpose??? conserve resources during extreme heat & droughtconditions EXAMPLES…frogs, bees, hedgehogs, reptiles, snails

9 Innate Behavior AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR Animal intimidates another Bird calling, growling, showing teeth To defend food supply, territory, or young

10 Innate Behavior TERRITORIALITY Defending an area from another organism
Physical space used by an organism for feeding, breeding, or raising young Reduces conflicts, controls population growth, provides efficient use of resources

11 Innate Behavior PHEROMONES: chemicals that communicate information in other animals Ants, bees use them to communicate Urine contains pheromones Often used to mark territory

12 Humans mark their territory too!

13 Innate Behavior COURTSHIP Rituals carried out to attract mates
Flashy dances, gestures, posturing, light signals Specific to each species Helps organisms find mates of their species

14 FIGHT OR FLIGHT response to a perceived attack, harm, or threat to survival. Cats arch their backs at the smell of a rival; mice scurry at the scent of a fox

15 Social Behavior DOMINANCE HIERARCHY “pecking order”
In social groups, there is a state of “seniority” Alpha males/females

16 Social Behavior Communication in social insects using pheromones.

17 Circadian Rhythm Daily rhythm Sleeping Eating hunting

18 Learned Behavior Acquired behavior Behavior changes through practice
Trial & error Allows for adaptation to change; therefore important in survival

19 Learned Behavior TRIAL & ERROR Practice makes perfect
Learn to exhibit a behavior based on a reward

20 Learned Behavior HABITUATION
an animal becomes accustomed to a stimulus through prolonged and regular exposure Ex: you don’t notice a clock chiming in your house, the refrigerator or heat/air coming on; but you do when you’re at someone else’s house!

21 Learned Behavior IMPRINTING Learning based on early experience
Bonding shortly after birth Once occurred, cannot be changed Keeps young animals close to mother who protects and feeds them

22 Learned Behavior CONDITIONING Learning by association
Dogs or cats come to their food bowl when they hear the can opener Students change class when they hear bell

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