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Human Dignity: Education

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1 Human Dignity: Education

2 Learning Outcomes By the end of this lesson students will be able to:
Identify the importance of education Name two reasons why some children do not attend school Describe the importance associated with educating girls in developing countries.

3 Education- What does it mean to you??

4 Education to our class means


6 After watching this video what do you think the message behind it is
After watching this video what do you think the message behind it is? Do you think sometimes education is taking for granted? How did this video make you feel about your education?

7 Education Have you ever taught about how lucky you are to go to school??? Many children around the world do not have the same chance as you. There are 115 million children around the world who cannot go to school. As countries develop they usually provide for the education of their children and make laws to make sure that parents send their children to school. In Ireland children must go to school until the age of 16.

8 Home School- Group Activity in threes- 3minutes
Some children are home schooled where their parents teach them and give them a good basic education. In groups of three come up with two advantages and two disadvantages of being home schooled.

9 Developing Countries In some poor and developing countries children do not go to school. Can you think of any reasons why?? Reason 1________________________________________________________ Reason 2________________________________________________________ Reason 3_________________________________________________________

10 Reasons children in developing countries do not go to school
They have to work to provide for their families. Child labour is the biggest reason why children do not go to school. There family have farms and they have to work on family farm They have to stay at home to care for needs of the family. They may have to cook, mind children and do housework. They are very unhappy or being bullied at school.

11 Girls and Education Sadly there are many more girls than boys in the world who do not get an education. It is a fact that girls and women: Make up half the population of the world. Raise almost all the children in the world Do two thirds of the work Get fewer chances to go to school that boys.

12 Do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer

13 Learning Outcomes revisited
Students should now be able to: Identify the importance of education Name two reasons why some children do not attend school Describe the importance associated with educating girls in developing countries.

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