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Collective Worship Time

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2 Collective Worship Time

3 We gather together:

4 Opening Prayer Compassionate and loving God, You created the world for us all to share, A world of beauty and plenty. Create in us a desire to live simply, So that our lives may reflect your generosity. Lord in your mercy, Here our prayer

5 This lovely quote is attributed to Mahatma Ghandi and St
This lovely quote is attributed to Mahatma Ghandi and St.Teresa of Calcutta. It’s powerful message has been adopted by CAFOD. Think about the words carefully.

6 We listen Listen carefully to the Word of the Lord 7 Some pretend to be rich, yet have nothing; others pretend to be poor, yet have great wealth. The Word of the Lord Thanks be to God Proverbs 13: 7

7 We respond At this time of year we think of Harvest, a
How could we live more simply? How can we help those in need to simply live? At this time of year we think of Harvest, a time when the crops are traditionally gathered.

8 We go forth God our father, I come to say,
Thank you for your love today. Thank you for my family And all the friends you give to me. Guard me in the dark of night and in the morning send your light. St.Wilfrid, Patron of our school, pray for us.


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