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Eggs for Breakfast: Backyard Chickens 101

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Presentation on theme: "Eggs for Breakfast: Backyard Chickens 101"— Presentation transcript:

1 Eggs for Breakfast: Backyard Chickens 101
Anne-Marie Anderson The Celtic Gardener

2 What your chicken can do for you
Eggs Meat Fertilizer Integrated pest management Income Disaster preparedness

3 What’s involved Open up Feed/water Free range/visit/play (as desired)
Collect eggs Close up Clean out (weekly or annually) Check birds (monthly)

4 Are you allowed to keep chickens?
Your local zoning, codes or ordinance office Watch out for HOAs Roosters

5 First, build your coop Hen house/coop Food, water, shelter
Predator proofing/rats Size matters Chicken tractors Bedding/cleaning Budget

6 Then add chicks (or eggs or pullets)
Feed stores, internet, locally Chick care

7 Breeds Heritage, hybrid, layer, broiler, dual purpose

8 Feed your chicken Chick/grower/layer food Organic or not Supplements
Treats, scratch Weeds, bugs, infested plants, prunings Avoid… WATER

9 Chicken health No annual physicals
Clean, spacious living area, good diet The first egg Molting Biosecurity NPIP Certification GPLN necropsies Chicken first aid Your aging chicken

10 Resources Handout Harvey Ussery ‘The Small Scale Poultry Flock; An all natural approach to raising chickens and other fowl for home and market growers’ (Chelsea Green, 2011) Classes: Atlanta Urban Coop Tour: March 27-29, The Chicken Whisperer magazine Backyard Poultry Meetup Group: Georgia Poultry Laboratory Network (GPLN) National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) UGA Poultry Extension

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