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MPDL –Einführung Malte Dreyer.

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Presentation on theme: "MPDL –Einführung Malte Dreyer."— Presentation transcript:

1 MPDL –Einführung Malte Dreyer

2 Locations Distributed organization (~ 23.000 staff)
Cooperation between different locations is very common Locations outside Germany are not shown (Nijmegen, Florence, Rome, Shanghai, Florida,…) 1

3 Fields diverse set of fields not a broad as many universities
Chemistry, Physics, Technology Biology, Medicine, Brain Science Law, Art, History, Cognition not a broad as many universities but more interdisciplinary

4 The Max Planck Institute Libraries
FTE Average FTE Total 71 230 3.2 BioMed Section 25 40.6 1.6 ChemPhysTech Section 26 43.4 1.7 SocSciHum Section 20 145.1 7.3 Key characteristics: small special libraries with high degree of autonomy no common library system no common cataloging or common library standards different regional and subject requirements organized along section lines and through „Sprecherrat“ + Max Planck Digital Library (~ 40 FTE)

5 Max Planck Digital Library MPDL
Founded in 2007 Departments Information Provision Research and Development Complemented by activities in many institutes Close cooperation with Institutes

6 Department for Scientific Information Provision

7 Grundversorgung in Figures
Volume Ca. 16K eJournals Ca. 14K Aggr-items Ca. 9T eBooks Ca. 90 Databases Cost distribution 1.2% for BMS & CPTS 0.8% for GSHS + central funds Budget: Solidargedanke, Without German National Licenses 6

8 Development of eJournal Platforms & Fulltext Requests
Spending ~14 Mill. € in 2009 60+ direct publisher contacts p.a. 150 current licenses 160 retired licenses 140 ntl. licenses backfiles 150 end-user interfaces 45 admin interfaces

9 Department for Research and Development
Scientific Virtual Research Environments and Infrastructure Integrated Publication Infrastructure for the MPS Digital Collection Management Development of Service Lines E.g. support in digitization projects Projects and Competency Center in eScience/eResearch We develop Software Infrastructure and Software Applications We provide Solutions for the Management of Publication and Research Data for the Scientists and Scholars We Maintain and Support Infrastructure and Solutions We are committed to Open Source

10 Use of information technology for enhancing research
eScience / eResearch = Use of information technology for enhancing research Kurt Mehlhorn, Director MPI for Informatics, Interim Head of MPDL, Vice President MPG -2008

11 Some Services Online Pubman is for the management and dissemination of publication data Discipline specific, fexible, component based Faces is for managing und publishing of image data Discipline specific images and metadata Publication and sharing of subsets VIRR is for digitized resources Editing of descriptive and structural metadata Standards based viewing environment WALS is the World Atlas of Language Structures More than 2,500 languages covered More than 140 linguistic features described Living Reviews are scientific Open Access journals Innovative concept Five journals online We use the term „Solution“ to name our web applications directly heading for user requirements

12 Services /1

13 Services /2 Solutions /2

14 Building Infrastructure and Solutions

15 The eSciDoc eResearch Infrastructure
A Repository Infrastructure An Infrastructure for Virtual Research Environments A Publication Infrastructure A Set of Services, Tools and Content Models An Archive Web Applications

16 eSciDoc: What for? Publish, Visualize, Manage and Work with Data Artifacts Publication Data Research Data Across Disciplines Using a Service Oriented Architecture Unified Infrastructure and Specialized Solutions Within the context of Research Questions Integrating existing Solutions While also addressing Aspects of Data Reliability and Data Quality Data Curation and Long Term Preservation Artifact Lifecycle Support Semantic Relations between Artifacts

17 eSciDoc Usage

18 Research Data Radio X-Ray Optical John Hibbard
NASA/CXC/SAO/G. Fabbiano et al.

19 Research Data – Primary Data

20 Research Data – Analysis Data

21 Example of a Network of Interrelated Objects
Metadata Annotation Transcription Metadata Translation Metadata Annotation © Institut Catholique, Paris, France

22 From Ideas to Publications, an example Workflow
Collaboration Idea Exploration Data Acquisition Experiment Aggregation Analysis Publication Archiving Continuum of Data

23 One Repository Technology, Multiple Services and Re-Use
Repositories Services Re-Use

24 Stable Citation for research data

25 Internal MPDL Projects
Cross-Linguistic Database Platform HARVE Inter (Interoperability of Data Repository) JusCMS (Publication Management Solution) Linguistic texts enhancing PubMan RoR (Registry of Registries) XML Workflow A databse to share linguistic material Building an archival network for audio and video digitizations To connect Repositories To connect PubMan to local CMS and extend for discipline specific metadata Extending PubMan for Linguistic material A registry to register other registries and databases Scientific support services for digitization

26 Example: XML Workflow Scope Services to be developed
Develop services for supporting structured XML editions of digitized material Services to be developed A service to support the preparation of structured XML editions A rich display and access environment to present text and images in parallel A virtual exhibition environment to allow for individual presentation of material An Open GI network to make GIS work manageable for individual researchers To be integrated into the MPDL framework of services Partner MPI for History of Science A service to support the preparation of structured XML editions     specifications for data entry of European and Chinese texts completed     approx. 100 texts transcribed according to specifications     "ECHO" XML schema in Relax NG 1.0 completed     several model texts structured as XML A rich display and access environment to present text and images in parallel     backend system based on eXist/Lucene developed (will have REST API)     prototype display system created, supporting rich search, including lemmatized search     interface with existing linguistic middleware implemented     interface with existing image presentation software (Digilib) partly implemented A virtual exhibition environment to allow for individual presentation of material     completed An Open GI network to make GIS work manageable for individual researchers     prototype version of historical GIS with SQL backend and interface with Google maps API     detailed architecture for more modular production system fully documented

27 Projects

28 Thanks for your attention

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