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The Karankawa Native Americans of the Texas Coastal Plain.

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Presentation on theme: "The Karankawa Native Americans of the Texas Coastal Plain."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Karankawa Native Americans of the Texas Coastal Plain

2 Where did they live? Mainly in the marshy area along the Gulf of Mexico from Galveston south to Corpus Christi.                                                       

3 On the Move They moved every few weeks to a new fishing area.
They traveled mainly by large canoes made from hollowed-out tree trunks.

4 Their Home Winter home was called a wickiup
Built from tree saplings tied together with animal skin or sinew Animal skins, palm fronds, or woven grass mats provided shade & protection from the rain Their Home

5 Foods fish deer alligator bear oysters turtles seeds nuts berries

6 CLOTHING MEN WOMEN Breech cloths
They often smeared mud over their bodies to protect themselves from insect bites. Tattoos from head to toe were common. WOMEN Grass skirts Also tattooed themselves for decorative purposes.

7 Weapons Famous for the long bow – up to 6 ft. long
Arrows, often 3 ft. long or more, made of slender cane Used for hunting fish, alligator, and things under shallow water because the end would stick up above water when shot. Weapons

8 Containers & Tools Simple pottery with little decoration
Baskets woven from grasses and reeds Stone knives, scrapers, and spear points

9 The End

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