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SWP RNA expression pattern.

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1 SWP RNA expression pattern.
SWP RNA expression pattern. SWP mRNA was detected using in situ hybridization. (A) A STM antisense control probe showing SAM‐specific expression in a young torpedo stage embryo. (B) A torpedo stage embryo in the same experiment showing SWP mRNA expression in all cells. (C) In the 8‐day‐old seedling apex, strong SWP expression was detected in the primordia (P) and weakly in the SAM. (D) In the inflorescence meristem (IM) SWP is also detected, but more mRNA was present in the lateral floral meristems (FM), and in young organ primordia of developing flowers (SP: sepal primordia). (E) SWP mRNA was also present in meiocytes and tapetum within the anthers (arrowhead). (F) The expression was maintained in ovules (arrowhead) within the gynoecium in later stages of flower development. Daphné Autran et al. EMBO J. 2002;21: © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend

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