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Presentation on theme: "Interphase."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interphase

2 Prophase I

3 Metaphase I

4 Anaphase I

5 Telophase I

6 Prophase II

7 Metaphase II

8 Anaphase II

9 Telophase II


11 During this phase Crossing over may occur resulting in increased variety of genetic combinations








19 During this stage… Cell is performing daily functions Growing
Copying DNA Performing Photosynthesis and/or Cellular Respiration Creating proteins DNA is in chromatin form

20 During this stage… Nuclear membrane is dissolving
Centrioles begin forming spindle fibers DNA is in condensed, chromatid form Homologous pairs find each other and join at centromere Tetrads are present

21 During this stage… Spindle fiber is fully formed
Tetrads line up across the center of the cell(s) Homologous chromsomes are still together in the same cell

22 During this stage… Tetrads separate at the centromere
Homologous pairs begin separating to opposite poles of the cell

23 During this stage… Each pole contains one full set of chromosomes
Each set of chromomes is encircled in a new nuclear membrane Spindle fiber begins to break down Chromatids begin to unwind into chromatin Cytokinesis begins

24 During this stage… Interphase is skipped
Nuclear membrane(s) begin to dissolve Centrioles begin forming spindle fibers DNA becomes condensed and thick into chromatid form Sister chromatids are joined at centromeres

25 During this stage… Spindle fiber is fully formed
Sister chromatids line up across center of cell Homologous pairs are NO longer in same cell

26 During this stage… Sister chromatids break apart at the centromere
Sister chromatids begin to separate to opposite poles of the cell

27 During this stage… Each pole contains ½ of a full set of chromosomes
New nuclear membranes from around each chromatid cluster at the poles Chromatids begin unwinding into chromatin form Cytokinesis begins

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