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5/19 BOP: HMWK: OBJECTIVE: Turn in RB Plants Update Table of Contents

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1 5/19 BOP: HMWK: OBJECTIVE: Turn in RB Plants Update Table of Contents
Human Body – Part B Notes HMWK: Take A Breather Wksht. OBJECTIVE: Identify the role of the respiratory system in the human body

2 5/20 BOP: HMWK: OBJECTIVE: Turn in Take A Breather RB Animals MC
Set-up for Lab HMWK: Complete Lung Capacity Lab OBJECTIVE: Identify the role of the respiratory system in the human body

3 5/21 BOP: HMWK: OBJECTIVE: Turn in Lung Capacity Lab RB Animals ER
Human Body – Part B Notes HMWK: Kidney Graphing Wksht. OBJECTIVE: Identify the role of the excretory system in the human body

4 5/22 BOP: HMWK: OBJECTIVE: Turn in Kidney Graphing RB Ecology MC
Set-up for Lab HMWK: Krazy Things Your Kidneys Do – Summary Sheet (Choose 1 Article) OBJECTIVE: Identify the role of the excretory system in the human body

5 5/23 BOP: HMWK: OBJECTIVE: Turn in Urinalysis Lab RB Ecology ER
Human Body – Part B Notes HMWK: RB Food Webs (all parts) RB Cycles in Nature (all parts) OBJECTIVE: Identify the role of the nervous system in the human body

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