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Berg Balance (Max Score: 56)

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1 Berg Balance (Max Score: 56)
“SAFE SPACES” AND EDUCATIONAL POLICIES ; six month time interval (ongoing). T. Bellavia, Touro College & University System, NY Berg Balance (Max Score: 56) PURPOSE / HYPOTHESIS: This poster and research based project explores “safe spaces” and educational policy, by using the patented Sage doll that focus’ on self-perceptions in relation to race, gender, religion, creed, orientations, socio-economic status, segregation, etc. While examining the past, present and future - we will discuss the tensions involved with trying to balance building “safe spaces and examine those “moments of difficulty” when comfort and evaluation collide as well as the role positive self-esteem has on academic success and leave encouraged breaking the binds that hold our most vulnerable students. Figure 1. Qualitative data above was performed by Dr. Tanzeah S. Sharpe. Qualitative Data Themes for Why Children Liked the Skin Color of the Sage Doll That Looks Like Them were children ranging from age 5 to 7. Figure 2. The Path to Negative Academic Outcomes for Children with Low Self-Esteem SUBJECTS: Experimental group of diverse 7 year-old children in rural, suburban and urban areas. After creating a Sage doll each participant will answer adjusted questions from the famous Clark Doll Test. Racial identifications are recorded and compared to The Clark Doll Study as well as self perceptions to gender, religion, creed, orientations, socio-economic status, segregation, etc. RESULTS:. CONCLUSIONS: MATERIALS / METHODS: REFERENCES: US Patent 3 US A1 ACKNOWLEGEMENTS: T. Bellavia: Special thanks to Flushing Town Hall and Makeda Mays-Green of Nick, Jr. T. Sharpe: The districts for granting us access into schools and the families & children for their participation in the study.

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