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The Protestant Reformation

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1 The Protestant Reformation

2 Origins of the Reformation
Began in Germany due to the lack of a strong central government Included 365 independent states Weak emperor COULD NOT control independent ideas about religion within the GR states

3 Martin Luther German monk Started Reformation
Believed in Justification by Faith: A person could be made just, or good, simply by having faith in God’s mercy and love

4 The Sale of Indulgences
Pope Leo X and indulgences Indulgences: Certificates issued by the Church

5 The Sale of Indulgences
Were said to reduce or even cancel punishment for a person’s sins Applied to already dead relatives as well

6 The Sale of Indulgences
“Once you hear the money’s ring, the soul from purgatory is free to spring…” Purgatory: Location in the afterlife where people are made fit for heaven

7 The Sale of Indulgences
John Tetzel: German church agent that sold indulgences Promised peasants that indulgences would relieve them of guilt for future sins

8 Luther’s Protest 95 Theses: Criticized the sale of indulgences
Nailed the 95 Theses to the Wittenberg Church Spread throughout Germany


10 The Backlash In 1521 the Pope EXCOMMUNICATED Luther Diet of Worms:
Tried to get Luther to retract his criticisms of the Church

11 The Backlash “I am bound by the Scriptures I have quoted and my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and I will not retract anything, since it is neither safe nor right to go against conscious. I cannot do otherwise, here I stand, may God help me. Amen” Martin Luther

12 The Backlash Luther refused to retract his statements
Condemned as a heretic Went into hiding; translated the Bible into German; created a new religion - Lutheranism


14 The Spread of Protestantism

15 John Calvin CALVINISM:
Argued that God determines the fate of every person before birth; PREDESTINATION Those predestined were called “the elect”

16 John Knox PRESBYTERIANISM: Leader of Reformation in SCOT
Based on Calvin’s teachings Presbytery: a group of decision makers within the church “Priesthood of all believers”

17 Henry VIII Henry wanted to divorce his wife for not producing a male heir to the throne

18 Henry VIII Catholic Church forbade divorce
Refused to dissolve Henry’s marriage

19 Henry VIII Henry – MAD! Withdrew GB from the Catholic Church & created a new church with the Act of Supremacy Parliament created the Anglican Church with the king as its head

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