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European Colonization of the New World 1500’s – 1700’s

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1 European Colonization of the New World 1500’s – 1700’s

2 Context to Colonization: Europe in the 1500’s
Protestant Reformation (1500’s): Protest over corruption in the Catholic Church Protesters formed groups that broke away to found their own Christian religions that they felt were more pure Age of Exploration (late 1400’s-1600’s): European nations sponsored exploration of the “New World” in an effort to: search for more direct trade routes to Asia expand their empires increase wealth

3 Establishing Colonial Empires: Terms
Colony A settlement begun in a distant region that is governed by the home country Colonial Empire A group of colonies controlled by the same home country

4 Establishing Colonial Empires
Motivations for Building Colonial Empires Wealth Natural resources/raw materials Expand markets (people to sell goods to) Tax revenue (settlers pay taxes to home country) Power More land/resources  more power Colonies serve as military outposts

5 Establishing a Colony Charter
A document giving the king’s permission to start a colony and establish local government Colonial Founders Merchants Joint Stock Companies Proprietors Religious Groups Royal Supporters etc King Colonists

6 Push and Pull Factors Pull Push Opportunity Economic Political
Why Colonists Chose America? Why Colonists Left Europe? __________ Factors Economic ___________ (New World seen as land of abundance) ____________ freedom ____________ ________ Factors Escape _________ problems (____________, lack of _________________) Escape __________ conflicts Escape _____________ intolerance (Protestant Reformation in Europe) Pull Push Opportunity Economic Poverty Opportunity Political Political Religious Religious Adventure

7 Triangular Trade (1600s and 1700s)
During the Age of Exploration, European nations established sophisticated systems of trade among the continents bordering the Atlantic Ocean: ____________ from Africa to Americas, _____________ from the Americas to Europe, ___________________ from Europe to the Americas & Africa. Slaves Raw Materials Manufactured Goods

8 Europeans Native Americans Africans Convergence 3 one colonizers
50-100 4-7 Africans 3/4ths

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