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Presentation on theme: "SYMPOSIUM 10 SECOND WORLD BREASTFEEDING CONFERENCE"— Presentation transcript:

11/24/2018 SYMPOSIUM 10 SCALING UP INTEGRATED INFANT AND YOUNG CHILD FEEDING TRAINING: Experiences and Lessons learnt A BEHR National Department of Health

2 Policies and Strategies

3 Outline of the Presentation
11/24/2018 Outline of the Presentation Action Plan to Protect, Promote and Support Breastfeeding in South Africa

4 Breastfeeding Technical Working Group TERMS OF REFERENCE
11/24/2018 Purpose of the TWG Technical support to develop 3 year implementation plan to protect, promote and support breastfeeding Implement a joint media campaign (in support of the separate RTHB TWG) to raise awareness of both breastfeeding and the RTHB. To support all stakeholders to facilitate the implementation plan and manage co-ordination of their efforts. To mobilise resources to fund the implementation plan

5 11/24/2018 ACTION PLAN Goal: Protecting, promoting and supporting exclusive and continued breastfeeding as outlined in the Tshwane declaration Targets: To increase exclusive BF rates Focuses on the following three key domains aligned to the concepts of protection, promotion and support: Protection (through legislation and policy) Promotion (through advocacy and social mobilisation) and Support (key programmes/strategies) x

6 ACTION PLAN Focuses on the following three key settings:
11/24/2018 ACTION PLAN Focuses on the following three key settings: The community – social mobilisation and media campaign which aims to normalise breastfeeding The workplace environment – legislation, workplace support The health system – supporting mothers to breastfeed (Mother Baby Friendly Initiative, Human Milk Banks) x

7 ACTION PLAN Focuses on the following three key settings:
11/24/2018 ACTION PLAN Focuses on the following three key settings: The community – social mobilisation and media campaign which aims to normalise breastfeeding The workplace environment – legislation, workplace support The health system – supporting mothers to breastfeed (Mother Baby Friendly Initiative, Human Milk Banks) x

8 Promotion through advocacy and social mobilisation
11/24/2018 Promotion through advocacy and social mobilisation Media campaign resource pack (set of messages, IEC materials, radio scripts) Maximising existing platforms e.g. MomConnect

9 Supporting BF in the community and workplace
11/24/2018 Develop a standardised toolkit for WBOTS, community health worker including job aids to equip them with knowledge and skills to provide counseling and support on breastfeeding and complementary feeding Resource pack on workplace environment

10 Supporting BF in Health Facilities
11/24/2018 Capacity Building of Health Care Personnel – training package as an online course Mother Baby Friendly Initiative (MBFI) DCTs to provide leadership and oversight for ensuring compliance to the MBFI Identify poor performing districts and facilities Advocate for private health facilities to be accredited MBFI

11 Protect BF through Legislation and Policy
11/24/2018 Lobby for increase maternity protection Challenge municipalities to become breastfeeding friendly Establish system for reporting violations of the Regulations Finalise the amendment of the Regulations relating to foodstuffs for infants and young children Finalise draft Regulations on Human Milk Banking and develop standard operating procedures for use in facilities


13 The Way forward for south africa
11/24/2018 The Way forward for south africa Alison Feeley UNICEF South Africa

14 Breastfeeding is not a one- woman job
– it requires government leadership and support from families, communities, workplaces and the health system to really make it work. While breastfeeding is a personal relationship between mother and baby, it is not a one-woman job. It requires a wider network of support from families, communities, workplaces and the health system, as well as government leadership, to really make it work. We must recognize that building breastfeeding-friendly policies, health systems, workplaces and communities is everyone’s responsibility. Supportive interventions through health systems and communities combined increase exclusive breastfeeding rates 2.5 times (Lancet 2016)

15 The Way Forward for Breastfeeding
Fully implement the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes and relevant World Health Assembly resolutions through strong legal measures that are enforced and independently monitored by organizations free from conflicts of interest. Enact family leave and workplace breastfeeding policies, building on the International Labour Organization’s maternity protection guidelines as a minimum requirement, including provisions for the informal sector. Implement the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding in maternity facilities, including providing breastmilk for sick and vulnerable newborns.

16 The Way Forward for Breastfeeding
Improve access to skilled lactation counselling as part of comprehensive breastfeeding policies and programmes in health facilities. Strengthen links between health facilities and communities, and encourage community networks that protect, promote, and support breastfeeding. Create monitoring systems that track the progress of policies programmes, and funding towards achieving both national and global breastfeeding targets.

17 Discussion: South Africa, what next?
11/24/2018 Are we on the right track for scale-up of EBF, and continued BF in South Africa? Are we focusing on the right activities? What are we missing? Given the restricted resources where should we focus our efforts? Scaling-up good practice, harnessing opportunities – Introduction Summarise the previous presentations taking into account the need to integrate our efforts with other programmes ECD and policies NFSNP we will fail if we do not broaden our approach and work at a multi-sector way to achieve results. What are the things we should do, is there anything missing? Social mobilization Materials available As an introduction to the discussion section What’s been achieved? Operational 3 years is relevant Activities completed take stock


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