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Thrust II: Task C Visualization and Interface for Situation Awareness

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Presentation on theme: "Thrust II: Task C Visualization and Interface for Situation Awareness"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thrust II: Task C Visualization and Interface for Situation Awareness
J. A. Adams (Lead) D. Fox J. How MURI 8 Kickoff Meeting 2007

2 II.C: Task Objectives An integrated system of human-robot interfaces and visualizations that provide situation awareness for the multiple levels of remote human users that provides scalable visualizations supports situation awareness permits transitions along with historical context MURI 8 Kickoff Meeting 2007 MIT-Vanderbilt-Stanford UW-UMASS Amherst

3 Initial System Integration Plan
MURI 8 Kickoff Meeting 2007 MIT-Vanderbilt-Stanford UW-UMASS Amherst

4 II.C: CBRNE HRI User Levels
MURI 8 Kickoff Meeting 2007 MIT-Vanderbilt-Stanford UW-UMASS Amherst

5 II.C: Data Abstractions
MURI 8 Kickoff Meeting 2007 MIT-Vanderbilt-Stanford UW-UMASS Amherst

6 II.C: Technical Advances
Development of an integrated HRI system for multiple levels of human users and mixed-type robot systems. Development of scalable, unique visualization capabilities. Allowing users at differing command levels to maintain situation awareness when viewing visualizations at lower abstraction levels. Providing visualization transition capabilities that provide historical context. MURI 8 Kickoff Meeting 2007 MIT-Vanderbilt-Stanford UW-UMASS Amherst

7 II.C: Year 1 Milestones/Deliverables
Develop underlying remote HRI architecture and integrate with MURI partners. Design and develop for triage specific HRI for the UV specialist, triage officer (division chief), and incident commander. Visualizations and interactions Transitions with historical context MURI 8 Kickoff Meeting 2007 MIT-Vanderbilt-Stanford UW-UMASS Amherst

8 II.C: Year 2+ Milestones/Deliverables
Continued development of triage specific HRI for the UV specialist, triage officer (division chief), and incident commander. Situation awareness drill down Develop HAZMAT HRI capabilities. Integration of triage and HAZMAT visualizations, interactions, drill down, and transition capabilities. MURI 8 Kickoff Meeting 2007 MIT-Vanderbilt-Stanford UW-UMASS Amherst

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