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Schema update for B-G in 2017 Jaume Targa ETC/ACM

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Presentation on theme: "Schema update for B-G in 2017 Jaume Targa ETC/ACM"— Presentation transcript:

1 Schema update for B-G in 2017 Jaume Targa ETC/ACM
EEA-ETC/ACM | 25th of April 2017 | 3rd IPR Technical meeting, Copenhagen Schema update for B-G in 2017 Jaume Targa ETC/ACM

2 Schedule EEA-ETC/ACM reviewed the Schema in 2016
Possible updates presented with reporters in Nov 2016 Finalise any change/update 2016/2017 Test updated schema beginning 2017 “Updated” schema to be used in September 2017

3 Schema options In depth update of the schema
Minor updates to make reporting easier/better Do nothing

4 Schema update Schema update for “technical maintenance”
Avoid unnecessary updates for countries with own system already developed stability of EEA harvesting and QA

5 Schema update Updates on B-G to be discussed next
H-K review to follow in 2017 Schema has NOT been splitted between B-G & H-K

6 Schema version 1.0.8 No modification on gml:FeatureCollection

7 AQD_ReportingHeader (A)
aqd:change Leave in. Not truly used as the system requires it to be TRUE Important to review the concept “management by change” both at EEA level and reporting countries…

8 AQD_ReportingHeader (A)
aqd:changeDescription Keep element Redefine in Guidance to describe resubmissions aqd:delete (opposite to aqd:content) Currently not used for data processing. However, leave element

9 AQD_ReportingHeader (A)
aqd:content MUST use xlink

10 AQD_Zone (B) The review carried out does not identify improvements/updates on this data-flow

11 AQD_AssessmentRegime (C)
…/aqd:zone Element made voidable To improve reporting for pollutants with monitoring objectives at MS level (e.g. AEI, ozone precursors, deposition, additional PAH)

12 CompetentAuthority (C)
Current version Unchanged to keep backcompatibility Drawbacks: the same party information has to be repeated for each task also in case only one competent authority exists for all of these tasks

13 Fixed measurements (D) -
AQD_SamplingPoint/ aqd:assessmentType Definition of fixed/indicative can vary depending on data coverage. Currently, it is recommended to use the intended type Cardinality to be changed to 0

14 Fixed measurements (D) -
AQD_useAQD Redundant as dataflow C is used to list what is used for Compliance Cardinality 0

15 Fixed measurements (D) -
AQD_SamplingPoint/ aqd:environmentalObjective Already optional Guidance indicates that it is not used & will be marked as deprecated & dropped If MS view this as necessary used gml:description but this is not essential for EEA harvesting

16 Fixed measurements (D) -
AQD_SamplingPoint/ aqd:changeAEIStations AQD_SamplingPoint/aqd:assessmentMethodsNS AQD_SamplingPoint/aqd:assessmentMethodsWSS Already optional, to be marked as deprecated & dropped

17 Fixed measurements (D) -
AQD_SamplingPoint/aqd:adjustmentMethods To be marked as deprecated & dropped Information is in G anyway, this would be a valuable simplification.

18 Fixed measurements (D) -
AQD_SamplingPoint/aqd:zone To be marked as deprecated & dropped Information is provided under C SamplingPoint could belong to different zones

19 Fixed measurements (D) -
…/aqd:measurementType …/aqd:measurementMethod …/aqd:samplingMethod …/aqd:analyticalTechnique …/aqd:samplingEquipment …/aqd:measurementEquipment Needs more discussion when schema gets fully updated

20 Fixed measurements (D) -
…/aqd:dataQuality Voidable aqd:documentation & aqd:report Clarify in Guidance that one or the other may be provided depending on level of detail

21 Fixed measurements (D) – AQD_Sample
The information and usage of AQD_Sample is variable across reports  Need to harmonise information

22 Fixed measurements (D) – AQD_Sample
sam:sampledFeature should link to AQD_Representative area or new codelist briefly describing the AREA sams:shape provides LAT/LONG

23 Fixed measurements (D) – AQD_RepresentativeArea
sam:sampledFeature should link to new codelist briefly describing the AREA sams:shape provide detailed GEOMETRY of area

24 AQD_Model (D) - AQD_Model/ef:purpose or ef:involvedIn
Codelist under revision keep sam:sampledFeature & sams:shape

25 AQD_Model (D) - AQD_Model/aqd:environmentalObjective
was mandatory (1 to *) Cardinality to be changed (0 to *)

26 AQD_Attainment (G) - NEW
AQD_Attainment/Aqd:percentileExceedance Currently it is not possible to declare exceedence due to 90.4%ile Add new conditional element in addition to NumericExceedance and NumberExceedances Following feedback from Spain

27 AQD_Attainment (G) - NO UPDATE
…/aqd:stationUsed Better name aqd:samplingPointInExceedance …/aqd:modelUsed Better name aqd:modelInExceedance

28 AQD_Attainment (G) - DELETED
…/aqd:sensitivePopulation …/aqd:infrasturctureServices Not in IPR Decision To be marked as deprecated & dropped

29 Any Questions? EEA-ETC/ACM contact: Jaume Targa (4sfera Innova)
Principal consultant m e. skype jaume.targa.4sfera web You can follow us on

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