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Join the Journey! PolarTREC 2007

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Presentation on theme: "Join the Journey! PolarTREC 2007"— Presentation transcript:

1 Join the Journey! PolarTREC 2007
June 4, 2008

2 The Agenda What is PolarTREC? Who are we and where did we go?
What were we doing and what did we wear? Video Questions?

3 What is PolarTREC? PolarTREC is a professional development experience in which k-12 teachers are paired with scientists in authentic polar research. Over the next three years over 40 teachers from around the United States will join scientists in the Arctic and Antarctic in Celebrations of the International Polar Year.

4 Who are we and where did we go?
Leo Peters Knut Christenson Luke Zoet Brandon Gillette Paul Winberry Huw Horgan

5 The Flights


7 What were we doing and what did we wear?




11 Video

12 Interested?

13 Questions?

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