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Why are Nation-states difficult to create?

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Presentation on theme: "Why are Nation-states difficult to create?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why are Nation-states difficult to create?

2 STATe An independent, bounded, and internationally recognized territory with full sovereignty over the land and people within it.

3 nation A cultural unit, a group of people with a common ancestry regardless of whether the group controls its own country. Nations see themselves as cohesive units distinct from other groups. Common Religion Common Language Common Culture or social ways of behavior ?v=hcivYX3IUGA

4 territoriality A nation is generally territorially based, meaning a strong connection of a people, their culture, and their economic system to the land. Territory = Homeland The motherland or sacred soil Goal: Create a nation-state.

5 Multinational state A multinational state is created when more than one distinct nation is found together in the same political state.

6 Multinational state Recipe for unrest
Ethnonationalism: A strong feeling of belonging to a minority nation that is contained within a state dominated by a more powerful nation. Strong feelings of ethnonationalism can lead to separatism, the desire to break away from one’s state. Separatism can lead to secession the act of breaking away from. Many separatist groups will resort to violence to achieve their goals.

7 Multinational state Recipe for unrest
Irredentism: When a nation’s homeland spills into another state and the people on the “wrong side” of the boundary wish to join their territory with the rest of their homeland.

8 Who is to blame? In many cases European Colonial powers are responsible for much of the between nations and states, especially in Africa.

9 Palestinian and Israeli conflict

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