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Unit 2: Global Information

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1 Unit 2: Global Information
Mock Exam 1 Feedback Unit 2: Global Information

2 Learning Intentions To describe the purpose of a range of data analysis tools and the consequences of poor data analysis To explain the business impacts of poor data security To describe the factors contributing to the Digital Divide and the impacts this has upon technology use To discuss the implications of a freedom of information request

3 Data analysis tools When working with data it is important to ensure that the right tools are used to process and analyse it. Generally speaking there are 5 different tools that are used to analyse data: Data Tables Visual Data Trends and Pattern identification Data Cleaning Geographic Information System / Location Mapping For each of the 5 data analysis tools explain: What it is Why it is important

4 Data analysis The consequences of poor Data Analysis are obvious..
If you don’t clean your data effectively hackers miay be able to access it which could lead to identity theft. If you identify incorrect trends or patterns in data it could lead to poor decision making and that could cost the organisation money. For each of the 5 methods of data analysis explain the consequences of doing it poorly.

5 Question 6 A library is removing borrowers from its database who have not borrowed a book for three or more years. Identify the data analysis tool which would be used to complete this task. Justify your choice. [4] Data analysis tool Justification Describe one disadvantage to the borrowers if the data is not removed safely from the database. [2] Complete the exam question and red pen your answer

6 Data Security Why do organisations have to keep data secure?
Increase their reputation as a trustworthy organisation People more likely to trust you with their data because they know it will be kept secure Business can operate more efficiently because all data is available What are the impacts of having to keep data secure? Increase in cost – you must invest in security measures Increase in reputation, business, operations – people are more likely to trust you.

7 Data Security How can you intentionally destroy data?
Hacking Burning Shredding Electromagnetically wiping Hard Drives Encryption For each of the above explain how it would destroy data How can you protect information inside data? Anonymising Data Full anonymization Partial anonymization Redacting Data For each of the above explain how it works.

8 Question 7 Stored data and information must be kept secure by organisations.  Explain two impacts on an organisation of keeping data and information secure. [4] Data and information can be intentionally destroyed [6] Identify and describe two methods which could be used to intentionally destroy data and information. Complete the exam question and red pen your answer

9 The Digital Divide The digital divide is a term that refers to the gap between populations that have full access to modern information and communications technology, and those who have restricted access. It is used mainly to describe the split between those with and those without broadband Internet access.

10 Causes of the Digital Divide
The divide traditionally exists between: Cities and rural areas Educated and uneducated socioeconomic groups Globally, between the more and less industrially developed nations. Even among populations with some access to technology, the digital divide can be evident: lower-performance computers and lower-speed connections. Reasons for the divide include: Money - people need money to access the internet and buy the latest devices, such as computers, smartphones and tablets. Location - access to network coverage and high-speed broadband can vary greatly depending on where you live. Most large towns and cities have good network coverage and access, but rural areas can have limited or no coverage. Without these connections, the internet can be slow or non-existent. IT literacy - knowing how to use technology empowers people to make the most of it. People who don't know how to use computers and the internet do not have the opportunities that IT-literate people do. Internet access - the internet provides many opportunities for people who want to access online shopping, banking and job adverts. Students with internet access at home can research or revise with online help.

11 Digital Divide Exercises
Explain what the digital divide is Explain 3 causes of the digital divide Explain 2 different methods of how the divide is being bridged.

12 Freedom of Information Request
What happens when you submit a Freedom of Information Request? The (data controller of the) organisation should be written to explaining what information is required. An administrative charge is paid to the organisation by the data subject The identify of the data subject is confirmed The information requested should be sent to the information subject within 40 days

13 Question 9 Individuals have a right of access to information held about them by public bodies. Identify the Act that contains this right of access [1] Describe two actions which must be taken when a right of access request is made. [4] Complete the exam question and red pen your answer

14 Homework Using the Mark Scheme on Show My Homework red pen the exam from yesterday. We will be moving on to revision for a second mock in tomorrow’s lesson. Note The Mark Scheme has not been adapted for Progress Lake Sailing – you should relate questions back to the scenario for your summer exam.

15 Learning Intentions To explain the advantages and disadvantages of different storage media To justify appropriate data types for given scenarios To discuss the impacts of the Data Protection Act for a given scenario

16 Different types of storage media
Using the resources from LO1: Describe the characteristics of the following storage media: Paper Optical Magnetic Solid State Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the following storage media:

17 Different Data Types Design an Entry form for the Regatta from the Progress LakeSailing scenario Identify what data types are most appropriate for each of the pieces of information collected.

18 Data Protection Act The Act defines eight principles of information-handling practice: Personal data shall be processed fairly and lawfully and, in particular, shall not be processed unless conditions are met. Personal data shall be obtained only for one or more specified and lawful purposes, and shall not be further processed in any manner incompatible with that purpose or those purposes Personal data shall be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose or purposes for which they are processed Personal data shall be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date Personal data processed for any purpose or purposes shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose or those purposes Personal data shall be processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects under this Act Appropriate technical and organisational measures shall be taken against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data Personal data shall not be transferred to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area unless that country or territory ensures an adequate level of protection for the rights and freedoms of data subjects in relation to the processing of personal data. Basically this means that data must be: fairly and lawfully processed (used) used for limited purposes adequate and relevant - only what is needed may be used accurate not kept for longer than is necessary accessible to the individual and able to be corrected or removed where necessary secure not transferred to countries without adequate protection.

19 Implications of the Data Protection Act
Discuss the impacts of the Data Protection Act on Progress Lake Sailing when handling personal information

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