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A Revolution in Learning and Developmental Rehabilitation

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Presentation on theme: "A Revolution in Learning and Developmental Rehabilitation"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Revolution in Learning and Developmental Rehabilitation

2 Overview Research Clinical adoption & areas of use Cases Studies
Billing & Coding

3 Stanley I. Greenspan, MD Chairman, IM Scientific Advisory Board
Clinical Professor Psychiatry, George Washington Medical School Contributor to over 100 articles and 27 books, including Building Healthy Minds, and The Child with Special Needs Child Development Expert Featured in The Washington Post, Newsweek, Time Magazine, ABC’s Nightline, NBC, and CBS

4 Science Overview “Motor planning and sequencing is a critical component of the deficit in a variety of developmental and learning disorders.” - Stanley I. Greenspan, M.D. The Motor Planning Processes of Organizing and Sequencing are a core function of the brain

5 Early Studies: Motor Skills Study
Special education students Improved fine and gross motor and visual motor skills Results presented to the American Educational Research Association

6 Large-Scale Correlation Study
Timing and Child Development Study Published Conducted in Illinois by High/Scope Foundation 585 students, 6-10 years old

7 AJOT Published Clinical Study
3 groups of ADHD boys separated by: Control / Placebo / IM- trained Statistically significant improvement in: Attention Motor control and coordination Language processing Reading Control of aggression and impulsivity

8 AJOT Published Clinical Study
Interaction Effect = 0.005

9 Academic Fluency Study
Over 700 middle and high school students Pre and post subtest on nationally standardized Woodcock-Johnson III test Results showed significant increases in grade equivalent (GE) performances in IM group

10 Academic Fluency Study
2.21 GE Gain in Reading Fluency 1.66 GE Gain in Math Fluency 2.21 GE gain, n=718, Woodcock Johnson, 3rd Ed. 1.66 GE gain, n=703, Woodcock Johnson, 3rd Ed.

11 Athletic Performance Study
Comparison of IM trained golfers to a control group Produced significant improvements in golf shot accuracy An average of 20-40% improvement in shot accuracy obtained by the IM group Control group saw no gain

12 Athletic Performance Study
20% Overall gain in shot accuracy 35% Increase for advanced golfers who had consistent swing mechanics

13 Learning & the Brain Conference 2005
“The Impact of Synchronized Metronome Tapping Treatments on School Achievement:  A Report of Two Preliminary Investigations” Presented at Harvard University Gordon Taub, Ph.D., University of Central Florida Kevin McGrew, Ph.D., Institute for Applied Psychometrics

14 Learning & the Brain Conference 2005
2 separate studies (high school & elementary) 50% greater performance levels in timing and rhythmicity 3-4 weeks of IM resulted in 7-20% growth in reading/math achievement Effect sizes were typically larger in elementary age students

15 Results from Early Clinical Trials
Results from a pilot fMRI (brain scan) study show IM directly activates multiple parts of the “neuronetwork” CINGULATE GYRUS Allows shifting of attention Cognitive flexibility BASAL GANGLIA Integrates thought and movement MEDIAL BRAINSTEM Neuro-motor pipeline


17 Interactive Metronome for Rehabilitation Training
Jimmy Eggleston was the First Physical & Developmental Patient

18 Invention of Interactive Metronome
After 3 weeks walking without assistive device

19 Interactive Metronome Today
Currently provided by thousands of therapists in hospitals, clinics, schools and rehab centers

Loss of Motor Control Loss of Speech/Cognition Loss of Balance and Gait PLANNING SEQUENCING TIMING PERFORMANCE NEURO-SCHOLASTIC ADD/ADHD Asperger's Syndrome Sensory Integration Language Processing Motor Control and Coordination Impulsive/Aggressive Enhanced Coordination Improved Focus and Attention Improved Academic Performance

21 Assessment 1 second = 1,000 milliseconds 200 69 40 15
0 – 15ms. Perfect 16 – 22 Superior 23 – 29 Exceptional 30 – 40 Above Average 41 – 69 Average

22 Key Diagnoses Sensory Integration Disorder Cerebral Palsy
ADD/ADHD Asperger's Syndrome Cerebral Palsy Autism Spectrum Disorder Amputees

23 Address Cognitive Deficits
Attention and Concentration Motor Planning and Sequencing Language Processing Behavior (Aggression and Impulsivity)

24 Address Physical Deficits
Balance and Gait Endurance Strength Fine/Gross Motor Skills Coordination

25 Case Study 1: Alex 9 year old male – Sensory Integration Disorder
Impairments: Poor fine motor coordination Balance Multiple tantrums each day D average in math

26 Case Study 1: Alex After 5 weeks of IM Training:
Able to ride his bicycle without training wheels for the 1st time His attention increased dramatically Earned and A and B on her next two math tests Drastic decrease in frequency and duration of emotional outbursts

27 Case Study 2: Diane ADHD and Severe Learning Disabilities
Enrolled in the IM program at age 8 Deficits addressed: Poor Attention & Concentration Great difficulty processing multiple instructions

28 Case Study 2: Diane Her therapist reported that she was “bouncing off the walls” and even tried to stand on her head in her chair during her 1st visit Following 2 weeks of training: Sat and read her mom a book Able to sit quietly for up to 20 minutes

29 Case Study 3: Max Asperger Syndrome-8 year old male
Difficulty completing tasks Following directions Cooperating in a group environment Often displayed tantrums

30 Case Study 3: Max After IM: Improved transitioning
Greater Independence Decreased frustration Reduced tantrums (both in number and intensity)

31 Benefits of IM Short-term (length of treatment) Non-invasive
Non-pharmaceutical (not exclusive of Rx) Complements existing therapy Short-term (length of treatment) Measurable outcomes Functional cross-over

32 Questions and Answers

33 Reimbursement: Billing & Coding
DX ICD-9 CODE ADD 314.00 ADHD 314.01 AUTISM 299.0X AKA V49.76 BKA V49.75 DYSLEXIA 784.61 TBI 854.XX DX ICD-9 CODE CVA, APRAXIA 997.02 674.XX Late Effects CVA 438.XX Spinal Cord 952.XX Parkinson’s 332.0 Gait Disorder 781.2 Speech Delay 315.39

34 Reimbursement: Billing & Coding
PT CPT Codes Therapeutic Activities 97530 Therapeutic Procedures 97110 Evaluation 97001 Sensory Integration  97533 Neuro-muscular Re-education 97112 OT  CPT Codes 97003   97112 ST Speech Therapy 92507 92506

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