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Published byNathaniel Burke Modified over 6 years ago
Key Indicators of Health and Morbidity: Tamilnadu
Based on National Sample Survey (NSS), 71st Round (January-June, 2014) Presented by Prof. Anup Karan & Prof. Umakant Dash Bonne Sante 16. 26th August 2016
Outline of the Presentation..
Introduction Objective Morbidity Patterns and Differentials Utilization of Health Care (Out-patient & In-patient) Out-of-pocket Burden; and Financial Risk Protection Maternity and Child Healthcare Policy relevance & implication Access Determinants of Self-Reporting and Health Seeking Behavior(HSB) in Tamil Nadu Financial Protection Equity/Responsiveness
Source of Data/Sample Design
It’s a two-stage stratified sample and the state was divided into four regions, the Coastal Northern, Coastal, Southern and Inland The survey covered 3,917 households (1,960 rural and 1,957 urban) in Tamil Nadu No. of persons covered: 8,237 in rural and 7,853 in urban areas Information used for the analysis: household characteristics and demographic particulars particulars of spells of ailment of household members during the last 15 days (including hospitalisation) and expenses incurred. particulars of medical treatment received as in-patient of a medical institution during the last 365 days and expenses incurred for treatment
Morbidity Pattern in the absence of clinically validated surveys, self-reported illness can be used to measure health status of the state (people) Important from policy perspective as those who did not perceive the need would not be seeking health care even though the health care service is fully available
Demography Pattern The age pyramid in Tamil Nadu reflects considerably higher bulging in higher age groups compared to that in all India.
Changes in proportion (per 1000) of ailing persons (PAP) during reference period of last 15 days – Tamilnadu and All India The morbidity prevalence rate has increased significantly from 95 to 165 per thousand population during the period 2004 to 2014. the perception of being ´ill´ can vary systematically by cultural, regional and other socio-demographic factors including expectations for own health and disease awareness. For example, a person with simple cough and cold who belongs to a backward region is less likely to consider himself/herself ´ill´ and may not report illness in the survey, as compared to a person from a developed region. due to differences in perception of illness, which may be influenced by age, gender, education, income, language and personal experience of illness.
Proportion of ailing population reporting chronic and/or other ailments by age group in Tamil Nadu – 2014 Sector Age groups in years 0-4 1-14 15-29 30-44 45-59 60-69 70 & above Total Rural Chronic 1 14 8 57 189 301 289 86 Other 191 77 41 59 54 42 13 63 All 192 91 48 111 234 335 298 146 Urban 5 9 15 85 239 512 434 120 166 72 65 101 71 171 80 62 306 551 487 184 3 12 212 406 354 103 179 75 44 66 45 53 67 182 55 126 268 443 383 165 the share of chronic ailments in total ailments increases with increasing age; The disaggregated data on morbidity prevalence showed a ‘J’ shaped relationship between age and morbidity which indicates the fact that elders and children are susceptible to higher prevalence of illness.
Policy Relevance Does higher levels of illness reported indeed reflects higher real burden of illness? Not Necessarily! Change in the composition of the demography Change in level of Expectations for own health Change in cultural, regional and other socio-demographic factors (higher literacy, urbanisation) increase in Awareness about diseases & improved Access (better health system)
Gender wise distribution of reporting of chronic and/or other ailments by age groups in Tamil Nadu – 2014
Percentage distribution of reported disease conditions (Top 10) among all ailing persons (15 days recall)_2014 Males report significantly higher share in comparison to women— diabetes (30.1% versus 21.8%) and respiratory diseases (12.2% versus 8.9%). Women have higher reporting of musculo-skeletal ailments (13.5% in women versus 6.6% in men), mental health problems (6% in women versus 2.3% in men) and genito-urinary ailments (2.4% in women versus 0.6% in men)
Sector wise Distribution of reported disease conditions of major ailments in Tamil Nadu_2014
Policy Relevance
Concentration curves and Concentration Indices
Policy Relevance CI: 0.015 CI:-0.028 71st Round 71st Round Communicable Diseases Non-Communicable Diseases
Probit Results of Illness Prevalence in Tamil Nadu
Probit Regression Results 2014 Independent Variables Coefficient HH Size *** Sector (Ref category : Rural) Urban *** Education (Ref category: Illiterate) Upto Primary *** Above Primary Income (Ref category :Poorest) 2nd Poorest Middle *** 2nd Richest *** Richest *** Social Group (Ref category: SC/ST) SC OBC Others Sex (Ref category :Male) Female *** Age (Ref category: 0-4) 5 to 9 *** 10 to 14 *** 15 to 29 *** 30 to 44 *** 45 to 59 *** Above 60 *** Constant Note: ***(Significant at less than 1% ), **(Significant at less than 5%) *(Significant at less than 10%) Probit Results of Illness Prevalence in Tamil Nadu Policy Relevance strong evidence of reporting differences by age, gender, income, education. Individuals from households with high consumption tend to have more probability of self reporting. We found strong evidence of reporting differences by age, gender, income, education. ( are the main socioeconomic determinants of self reporting). individuals from households with high consumption tend to have more probability of self reporting. Persons living in urban area have the higher probability to report an ailment compared to those who live in rural areas. The probability of reporting decreases with increases in household size. Persons living in urban area have the higher probability to report an ailment compared to those who live in rural areas.
Utilisation of Healthcare
Percentage of population utilising healthcare as outpatient and inpatient – All India and Tamilnadu
Notes: 1. Outpatient and hospitalisation (15days recall) are not mutually exclusive; 2. Hospitalisation with 365 days recall includes hospitalisation with 15 days recall; per 1000 population.
Percentage population utilising hospital services as inpatient in Tamilnadu and All India during , 2004 and 2014
Trend in % episodes (15 days recall) treated in formal care in TN and All India in , 2004 and 2014
Trend in share of public sector in total outpatient care in Tamilnadu and All India during , 2004 and 2014.
% share of disease categories % share of Public sector
Share of major disease categories treated in public and private sector as outpatient and share of public sector in each major disease categories Disease categories % share of disease categories % share of Public sector Public Private All Diabetes 27.1 28.4 28 33.5 Fever* 12.7 22.5 19.1 23 Cardiovascular 22 15.4 17.7 42.9 Musculoskeletal 12.8 9 10.3 42.8 Respiratory 8.4 8.1 8.2 35.6 Gastro 4.9 3.6 4.1 41.7 Mental/Neuro 4.5 3 3.5 44.2 Skin 1.6 2.3 2 26.9 Eye/Ear 1 1.4 25.6 Genito-urinary 1.3 32.8 Injuries 0.6 0.8 52.6 Other Metabolic 0.5 0.9 20.6 Vector-borne 0.2 0.7 11.2 Cancers 44.5 Blood disease 0.3 5.2 Obstetric 0.1 25.5 TB/Filer/Tetanus STD/HIV/AIDS 100 Others 0.74 1.26 1.08 23.69 Total 34.57 the four major disease categories (diabetes, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and respiratory diseases) constitute more than 64%of all the conditions treated as outpatient.
Share of public sector in total hospitalisation in Tamilnadu and All India over the years
% share of treated disease in % share of public in each disease
Percentage distribution of treated disease conditions in public and private hospitals and percentage share of public hospital in the treatment of each disease in Tamil Nadu – 2014 Disease conditions % share of treated disease in % share of public in each disease Public Private Public + Private Fever 23.5 17.8 19.8 41.1 Injuries 13.6 9.8 11.1 42.5 Cardio 11.0 34.5 Gastro 8.3 8.4 34.3 Genitourinary 5.8 9.5 8.2 24.5 Eye/Ear 4.1 10.4 17.13 Mental/Neuro 7.4 3.8 5.1 50.5 Vector borne 4.9 5.0 34.1 Musculoskeletal 2.7 6.0 19.1 Respiratory 4.2 4.8 4.6 31.77 Diabetes 2.6 3.6 25.4 Cancers 2.3 1.9 2.1 38.9 Others 2.4 1.7 2.0 43.1 Obstetric 2.9 1.4 52.9 Blood disease 1.2 1.6 1.5 29 Skin 1.1 1.3 29.33 TB/Filer/Tetanus 0.6 1.0 59.9 Other Metabolic 0.3 0.7 18.34 STD/HIV/AIDS 0.1 0.0 100.0 All 100 34.63
Average (mean) length of stay of hospitalized rural and urban Population in Tamilnadu
Sector Public Private Total Rural 9.8 (6) 6.3 (4) 7.7 (5) Urban 9.6 (6) 7.3 (5) 8 (5) Rural + Urban 9.7 (6) 6.8 (4) 7.8 (5) Note: 1:Values in parenthesis are median, 2: Excluding child birth cases
Share of public and private sectors in total hospital care utilisation by Socio-economic groups in Tamilnadu, 2014
Distribution (%) of all inpatient episodes in public and private hospitals by types of wards in TN and All India
Log likelihood = -876.43699 Pseudo R2 = 0.0802
Treatment Odds Ratio P>z [95% CI] hhsize 0.95 0.20 0.89 1.02 Sector (Ref: Rural) Urban 0.88 0.35 0.67 1.16 Education (Ref:illiterate) Upto primary 0.52 0.00 0.37 0.72 Above primary 0.47 0.34 0.64 Quintile (Ref: Poorest) 2ndpoorest 2.05 1.35 3.11 Middle 1.81 0.01 1.17 2.80 2ndrichest 1.50 0.05 0.99 2.27 Richest 0.85 2.14 Social Group (Ref: SC/ST) OBC 0.91 0.57 0.66 1.26 Others 1.53 0.36 0.62 3.78 Sex (Ref: Male) Female 0.76 0.04 0.59 Religion (Ref: Hindu) Islam 0.96 1.56 Christianity 0.22 0.48 1.18 Scheme (Ref: Yes) No 0.60 0.42 Chronic (Ref: Yes) 0.26 _cons 55.10 30.29 100.20 Policy Relevance Logistic Regression Results of Health Seeking Behavior in Tamil Nadu Household from rural area, male members , education, economic status, ailment condition (chronic), insurance schemes are more likely to seek health care . Household from the 2nd quintile is more likely (2.05) to seek health care if fallen ill, compared to the household from poorest quintile. Females are 24% less likely to seek care compared to the male counterpart.
Reasons for not seeking medical advice
Policy Relevance
Reasons for not availing Government Facility
Policy Relevance
Out-of-pocket Burden; and Financial Risk Protection
the expenditure on outpatient experienced an increase from Rs 114 to Rs 158 between and 2004. the average hospitalization expenditure has gone up by 90% from Rs rose to Rs.6,285 in 2014.
Average out of pocket per OP visit and per hospitalisation case (per admission): medical expenditure (Rs.) and non-medical expenditure (Rs.) Type of expenditure Public sector Private sector Public + Private Out-patient Medical 40 603 406 Non-medical 50 94 79 Total 90 697 485 In-patient 600 27228 18006 1816 2456 2234 2416 29684 20240
Percentage population covered under different schemes for financial support to meet expenditure in Tamilnadu, 2014
Share (%) of different sources of health expenditure financing for outpatient and inpatient in TN and All India, 2014 Note: Only first source of finance has been considered
Maternity and Child Healthcare
Distribution of women aged 15-49 by place of childbirth
Share of Public sector in total pre- and post-natal care in Tamilnadu is 56.1 and respectively. Distribution of women aged by place of childbirth
Equity in distribution (%) of place of childbirth amongst women (aged 15-49) in TN, 2014
Important Observations
The evidence of disaggregated morbidity prevalence in India showed a ‘J’ shaped relationship between age and morbidity, an indication that elders and children are susceptible to higher prevalence of illness The age pyramid in Tamil Nadu reflects considerably higher bulging at higher age groups. chronic ailment significantly increases after the age of 45 years; and the share of chronic ailments in total ailments increases with increasing age. Gender differences: are observed with women reporting higher levels of morbidity than men. The outpatient utilization rate in Tamil Nadu is higher among females (17.1%) than among males (12.7%). disease burden between rural and urban population: greater burden among urban population than in rural population Level of education, economic profile, HH size and Gender, Age are the major determinants of self-reporting.
The share of public institutions in all the rural outpatient episodes is approximately 50% as against less than 29% in the urban areas. the public sector significantly increased its share in the total outpatient care from 26.3 % in to 34.6% in 2014. In the public sector hospitals, almost all the episodes (99.4%) were admitted free of any ward-charge as against the all India average of 85%. Drugs constitute the single largest proportion of the total OOPE (56% ) for outpatient. Outpatient OOPE among the richest quintile households is Rs. 332 as against Rs. 74 among the poorest. Total OOPE constitutes up to 11-12% of the total monthly per person consumption expenditure.
Thank you
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