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Activair technology Improving indoor air quality by removing volatile organic compounds.

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Presentation on theme: "Activair technology Improving indoor air quality by removing volatile organic compounds."— Presentation transcript:

1 Activair technology Improving indoor air quality by removing volatile organic compounds

2 The importance of indoor air quality
Activair technology The importance of indoor air quality We spend 80% of our lives in enclosed spaces Impurities can be found in the air in both our living & working spaces Pollutants include formaldehyde and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs) Examples – Formaldehyde, Hexaldehyde, Benzene, Styrene

3 What are VOCs? Activair technology
A VOC is any organic compound having an initial boiling point less than or equal to 250°C Emitted as a gas from a liquid or solid and enter the surrounding air VOCs are numerous and varied. They include both human-made and naturally occurring chemical compounds Example – formaldehyde CH2O Invisible

4 The dangers of VOCs Activair technology
Some VOCs are dangerous to human health or cause harm to the environment Harmful VOCs are typically not acutely toxic, but instead have compounding long-term health effects Formaldehyde is classified as carcinogenic to humans by WHO

5 Many of these symptoms can be attributed to VOCs:
Activair technology The dangers of VOCs Many of these symptoms can be attributed to VOCs: Headaches Nausea Allergies Lack of concentration Eye irritation Fatigue Breathing problems

6 Sources of VOCs Activair technology Furniture
Carpets and floor coverings Timber products – OSB, chipboard Paints and varnishes Pesticides Smoking Air fresheners Cleaning products People and pets Poorly maintained ventilation systems

7 What is ACTIVair technology?
Y60 mineral additive that captures formaldehyde (a VOC) from the air, converts it to inert compounds, and stores them so that they are not re-emitted

8 ACTIVair technical performance
Activair technology ACTIVair technical performance Absorbs 70% of formaldehyde, see figure 1 Will not re-emit VOCs even if the product is damaged ACTIVair technology will produce cleaner, fresher air for at least 50 years

9 ACTIVair is available as standard in:
Activair technology ACTIVair is available as standard in: ThistlePro PureFinish plaster Gyptone ceiling products Rigitone ceiling products And as an option in: Rigidur H

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