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PLOT(Plot Points) Rate yourself.

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1 PLOT(Plot Points) Rate yourself


3 Plot and plot points Plot – sequence of events throughout a story. One event leads to another. The main character usually drives the events forward. There are five plot points to every story. They fit into the beginning, middle, and end. Exposition(set up)- Introduces character(s), setting, what life is like when normal, introduces the goal/conflict Rising Action – Longest part of the story. Character works to solve main problem and runs into little problems along the way. Builds toward solving goal. Climax – Highest point of the story, yet it begins the end. It’s the event(s) that will determine if main character is going to solve problem or not. Things usually look their most bleak/worst. Falling action – The immediate aftermath of the climax. Problem is either solved or not. Resolution – Life become a “new normal”. Answers: What did character learn? How has life changed? What will happen in future?

4 Conflict(the problem)
Conflict – struggle between opposing forces. There can be 1 or more Without it no story It occurs between exposition and rising action, but in not a plot point Faced head on in the climax Two kinds(internal – emotional) (external – physical) Goal and conflict go hand and hand

5 Man vs. _____(forms) Man vs. man Man vs. Nature
Man vs. fate(God) Man vs. technology Man vs. Society Man vs. himself

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