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M&E Online CARE Kenya By Teresia Njoki-PQM

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Presentation on theme: "M&E Online CARE Kenya By Teresia Njoki-PQM"— Presentation transcript:

1 M&E Online CARE Kenya By Teresia Njoki-PQM

2 MEAL Structure At National Level, M&E function falls under Program team: - Program Quality (PQ Manager; KM&L Coordinator) At field level, M&E falls under respective Sectors / Thematic teams : - Health projects - Livelihoods projects Financial Inclusion projects Emergency / humanitarian assistance projects Refugee Assistance Program (Dadaab) November 24, 2018

3 Rationale for developing M&E online
Many uncoordinated indicators Couldn’t tell at a glance how we were progressing in our LRSP ; our Theory of Change ; our respective projects Couldn’t tell / or quickly generate our contribution to : SDGs ; CI 2020 Program Strategy Difficult to generate Country level Annual report November 24, 2018

4 Process followed to develop M&E Online with harmonized Dashboard indicators
Development of TOR : For harmonized Indicators & System Engaged Consultants to work with our staff to: - Harmonize the Indicators *come up with core - Develop Data Collection Tools for those Indicators - Develop the M&E online system Pre-works to consolidate indicators from projects for all the sectors / thematic areas Workshop to harmonize them :Referenced the SDGs; CI 2020 Program Strategy; LRSP; Projects indicators Development of contextualized M&E Online system Training of TOTs & piloting Training of other staff (ongoing) Roll-out of system (ongoing) November 24, 2018

5 M&E aligned to our Theory of Change
3 Domains of Change Pathways of Change for the respective Domains November 24, 2018

6 Harmonized Indicators at Country level
The list has a total of 54 Dash board indicators November 24, 2018

7 Training Manual for the M&E Online system
November 24, 2018

8 Issues + Challenges we need to address
Staff turn-over of trained staff *short term grant projects Sustaining the M&E scarce skill with the declining funding of Country office Need to clean some project Logframes and M&E Plans before feeding the right data in the M&E online. How to fit the PIIRS data tracking in the M&E online *Population of PIIRS still done manually at the end of FY. Documentation of BPs, HIS, Lessons & developing a learning culture is work in progress (growth area) November 24, 2018

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