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2014 Strategic Plan Presentation to the Goddard Contractors Association Rebecca Spyke Keiser Associate Deputy Administrator for Strategy and Policy Contributions.

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Presentation on theme: "2014 Strategic Plan Presentation to the Goddard Contractors Association Rebecca Spyke Keiser Associate Deputy Administrator for Strategy and Policy Contributions."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014 Strategic Plan Presentation to the Goddard Contractors Association Rebecca Spyke Keiser Associate Deputy Administrator for Strategy and Policy Contributions by: Office of the Chief Financial Officer

2 c Expand the frontiers of knowledge, capability, and opportunity in space Advance understanding of Earth and develop technologies to improve the quality of life on our home planet Strengthen Serve the American public and accomplish our Mission by effectively managing our people, technical capabilities, and infrastructure

3 Strategic Planning vs. Strategic Plan Development
Strategic planning is on-going process, dynamic and informed by strategic analysis and stakeholder feedback The Strategic Plan is a discrete deliverable every four years that captures and communicates certain outputs from strategic planning Congress, OMB, National Academies, Public, NASA Employees, Other 2014 Strategic Plan Strategic Planning (on-going) Stakeholder Engagement (on-going) 2018 Strategic Plan 2022 Strategic Plan

4 The Strategic Plan &
Mandatory transition from document production to holding the information on a Government-wide website: ( Agencies may no longer “publish” a document Assures agency performance information and data, are standarized; and more accessible to the public, Congress, and others specifications Prescribed fields with character limits Less flexibility for narratives, and overall display Influences writing style Each main section must be “Stand Alone,” or comprehensible without preceding elements for context To communicate simply, clearly, concisely No or little flexibility to use graphics in; All messages sent with data or narratives. Thus, because of the limitations with, NASA created an online version that will include graphics and more detail. Additionally NASA created a trifold to summarize the main points. (slides 7 and 8) 11/24/2018 4

5 The “Elements” of the Strategic Plan Communicate Different Things
Vision the ‘where and why’ Mission Statement the ‘what’ Goals Objectives the ‘why and how’ 11/24/2018

6 2011 vs. 2014 Framework 2011 2014 Strategic Goals Strategic Objectives
Outcomes Objectives Performance Goals Annual Performance Goals Strategic Goals Strategic Objectives Performance Goals Annual Performance Indicators Agency Priority Goals (APG) APGs CAPs Cross-Agency Priority Goals (CAP)

7 2011 Strategic Plan 2014 Strategic Plan
Vision - To reach for new heights and reveal the unknown, so that what we do and learn will benefit all humankind. Mission - Drive advances in science, technology, and exploration to enhance knowledge, education, innovation, economic vitality, and stewardship of Earth. Vision - We reach for new heights and reveal the unknown, for the benefit of humankind. Mission - Drive advances in science, technology, aeronautics, and space exploration to enhance knowledge, education, innovation, economic vitality, and stewardship of Earth. 2014 Strategic Plan

8 2011 Strategic Goals Extend and sustain human activities across the solar system. Expand scientific understanding of the Earth and the universe in which we live. Create the innovative new space technologies for our exploration, science, and economic future. Advance aeronautics research for societal benefit. Enable program and institutional capabilities to conduct NASA’s aeronautics and space activities. Share NASA with the public, educators, and students to provide opportunities to participate in our Mission, foster innovation, and contribute to a strong national economy.

9 2014 Strategic Goals Expand the frontiers of knowledge, capability and opportunity in space Advance understanding of Earth and develop technologies to improve the quality of life on our home planet Serve the American public and accomplish our Mission by effectively managing our people, technical capabilities and infrastructure



12 2014 Strategy Performance Framework
Definitions End-outcome of what NASA wants to achieve to advance its mission and address relevant national problems, needs, challenges and opportunities. Timeframe: Timeless Strategic Goals Intermediate outcomes that express more specifically the path NASA plans to follow to achieve or make progress on the broader strategic goal Timeframe: 5 years - Timeless Strategic Objectives Statement of multi-year performance, expressed as a tangible, measurable objective or as a quantitative standard Timeframe: 4 years (Strategic Plan horizon) Includes Agency Priority Goals (2 years) and Cross Agency Priority Goals (4 years) Performance Goals Deliverable, milestone or targeted performance that indicates progress toward a multi-year performance goal Timeframe: Single Year Annual Performance Indicators Strategic Plan Performance Plan Discussion DRAFT - Proposed Framework

13 Consistent Strategic Direction
N’l Aero & Space Act of 1958 National Space Policy, 2010 2010 NASA Authorization Act NASA Strategic Plan Peaceful purposes/benefit to humankind X Welfare and security of the U.S. Encourage the (fullest) commercial use of space, industrial base Expand knowledge of Earth and Space Maintain U.S. preeminence through research and technology Improve U.S. competitiveness/advance economic benefits Expand human presence into space Warning and Mitigation of Potential Hazards of NEOs Earth Observations/Global climate research Cooperate with other nations Communicate benefits /inspiration to public/STEM education

14 Any Questions?

15 Discussion DRAFT - Proposed Framework
Back up Discussion DRAFT - Proposed Framework

16 Goal 5: Cross-cutting, MSD
Strategic Goals Traceability of NASA’s Strategic Direction 2011 Strategic Goals 2014 Strategic Goals Goal 1: HEOMD Goal 1: Of Space Goal 2: SMD Goal 3: STMD & OCT Goal 2: Of Earth Goal 4: ARMD Goal 5: Cross-cutting, MSD Goal 3: Agency Excellence Goal 6: MSD, Education

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